Abby and Lev

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Abby had been rowing for what seemed like hours, her strength had been sapped even before the final confrontation with Ellie. Her body screaming for respite yet she continued to row.
She thought she was a goner there, she'd fought desperately for her life but also for Lev's, she couldn't imagine leaving him alone in the world.
Whatever had made Ellie show her mercy moments before her mind accepted death she was grateful for. She knew she was lucky to be rowing away with the former Seraphite who had become like a little brother to her. She had tried desperately to atone for killing Joel and maybe this had been her reward for it.
Lev would occasionally mumble her name.
"Abby, Abby?"
"I'm here Lev, it's okay, we got away from the Rattlers. Just rest up, we'll make it to the Fireflies in good time."
As she continued to pump the oars she knew before they could even entertain any idea of meeting up with the Fireflies they needed to get themselves in order again. The first port of call would be somewhere she could get her hands on some weapons. Returning to Owen's sailboat was pointless, there was nothing left there for them. Abby refused to turn up at a brand new Firefly base looking battered, beaten and weak. No, she wanted them to show up armed, capable and most of all she wanted to be accepted back into the group as an equal. The warrior she was before she was taken prisoner. Anything less she wouldn't accept.
It was starting to get dark, she needed to find somewhere to dock. With this reprieve she wasn't going to let things go wrong for her, or for Lev anymore. She couldn't allow the two of them to die young like Owen, Mel and Manny. For the first time since her father Jerry's death she appreciated life and wanted to live it long and happily.
Lev had been so patient with her after they'd left Ellie and Dina to live, albeit lying in their own blood on the floor of a theatre. Even though he didn't agree with everything she did and questioned a lot of her decisions he'd been there every step of the way. Two people who had grown close to each other over their shared loss and desire for a fresh start. Who had endured and accepted each other's differences with love and kindness. Like a big sister would protect her younger brother, she felt this fiercely, nothing could put out her inner fire.
Finally she found somewhere to dock, it seemed quiet. She thought it best to rest up and prepare themselves in the morning.
The sun rose over them, Lev was conscious, he'd awoken before Abby.
"How are you doing Lev?"
"I'm hungry, how did we get here?"
"We got lucky, someone helped us and we escaped."
"Who helped us?"
Abby loved the kid, but she knew straight away he'd want direct answers from her, she thought quickly. There was no way she would tell him what really happened with Ellie last night.
"Somehow the prisoners escaped, cut us down and took out the Rattlers, we escaped and we're never going back. It's on to The Fireflies from here."
Lev studied her, he shrugged. "Okay, but I slept through it all?"
"You're weak."
"So are you Abby."
"That's why we're going to find food, get weapons, clean ourselves up then show we're capable fighters when we get there, not two emaciated bums."
"Skinny, Lev, underfed, weak."
"Oh, okay."
"So let's get what we need to get and leave here as quick as we can."
"Why don't we go back to Owen's boat?"
"Not a good idea."
"Why Abby?"
Abby laughed. "I've missed this."
"Missed what?" Lev was genuinely bemused.
"This thing we have. I say something, you question it or disagree. You usually prove me wrong and we laugh about it, it's something I've missed."
Lev smiled. "Yeah me too."
"Come on then."
"But what if it's not a good idea?"
"Tell me it's a great idea, I'll say it isn't. You're usually right so we'll go with that."
"What are you talking about Abby?"
"Exactly Lev, come on before we starve to death." She ruffled his hair.
Lev rolled his eyes.
The area they had reached was fancy looking, but there was a chance to plunder before they reached Catalina Island.
They found a board with a map on it telling them they were at Ventura, in California.
"We need to be out before sunset, we have plenty of time."
Lev nodded. "Okay, food first."
"I can agree on that one."
The two were careful when they got to the first house, Abby looked around the back of it and a window was already smashed.
"Perfect, we can stay quiet."
She let Lev go in first.
They went straight to the cupboards and were in luck, tinned food. Abby found a tin opener and they fed on cold potatoes, beans and carrots.
"Good enough." She looked at Lev. "Alright?"
"Better than I was."
In the draw were a set of knives, she handed two to Lev. "It's a start."
They also got themselves tidied up. Not long after Abby was starting to feel like her old self again.
Two bags were found, Abby filled them both with tins, just enough that it wouldn't overload them. She found a First Aid kit and some bottled water.
They left the house no better for guns, they would keep trying.
Abby sighed, a runner was standing by the door to the next house.
"Leave it to me." Abby sneaked towards it, unfortunately something broke under her foot. The creature turned, bloodthirsty it was about to scream.
Abby threw the knife with perfect precision, it landed in the creature's head. The runner dropped, hitting the door loudly.
"Fuck." Lev whispered.
Abby bit her lip. She pulled the knife out of it and they entered the building. They were in luck, underneath a bed she found a case full of guns.
"Don't praise the Prophet, it's just sheer luck is all." Abby told him going through the ammunition. She passed him a loaded handgun. "Sorry, no bows this time either."
"Thanks, it's okay, I'm not praising anyone now, you know that Abby."
"Yes, I do and I'm sorry. I should save my dickhead remarks for other dickheads, not you."
Lev laughed again. "Where do you come up with these words?"
"My friend Nora used to say it a lot."
"Where is she now?"
Abby exhaled. "Another one of Ellie's victims."
"Yeah, you'd have liked her, she would definitely have made you laugh. Her sense of humor was the sort of thing that got me through bad times when I lost my dad."
"I see, so Nora did for you what you're doing for me."
"What's that Lev?"
"Helping me through mom and Yara's death."
"Just like you've helped me through my friend's deaths. Once we're on the boat again I promise I'll tell you a story about Nora."
They made a decent sweep of Ventura, even finding a bow for Lev.
There were various infected there, which they took down without a lot of bother. Abby did trip once but was saved by one of Lev's arrows and she repaid the favor by landing a headshot on a stalker creeping up behind Lev. But they were still low on equipment.

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