The Great American Gunslingers Arthur Morgan and John Marston

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After breakfast they were getting ready to ride until Lance spoke.
"Give me thirty seconds and I'll catch up."
"Why?" Ellie asked.
"I'll be with you, just go ahead."
"Be fucking quick then." Ellie said impatiently.
Lance nodded then entered the mess hall, went up to Geffyn and hit him hard on the jaw, his friend got up but Lance hit him too. He made a hasty retreat, a huge smile on his face.
Ellie, Curtis and Jane were mounting up.
"Ready?" Ellie asked.
"Fucking hurry up." Lance shouted, mounting his horse too.
"Why are you smiling like that?" Curtis asked with a grin.
In the distance Geffyn could be heard shouting angrily.
"I just punched that idiot sentry boy in the face, his buddy too. So let's do what Ellie said, ride hard and fast and get to Jane's father as quick as possible."
Jane said nothing, they got out of there quickly and made a long journey of the day. 
It took them a day and a half to arrive, Ellie could see it had been eating away at Jane, she knew that feeling when Jesse had told her Joel and Tommy had gone missing, she knew Curtis understood that feeling too. Jane knew this, she had eaten and slept little, everyone was doing their best to keep her spirits up, she was grateful but until she knew what had happened to her dad she couldn't rest.
There was a single sentry at the gate.
Jane called. "It's Jane Middlemass, my dad is Roger Middlemass!"
They got closer and she recognized the sentry as Doug Fielding, he knew who she was too.
"Hey Jane did you hear about your dad?" Doug asked.
"No, that's why I'm here, what happened?"
"There was an attack on the base about eight weeks ago, your dad was injured but he's okay, I thought you'd have been here earlier to check up on him."
"I didn't even know what had happened until two days ago." Jane was crying. "But fuck, I've been so scared he was dead, I just want to see him."
"No problem, who are these guys?"
Jane introduced everyone. "This is my boyfriend Lance he's a Bengal too. These two are my friends, Ellie and Curtis, they're allies. I'll explain everything, but I just want to see my dad first."
"Sure, go right in."
Ellie liked this guy.
It was late afternoon and Jane had explained everything to her father then he had gone to see the woman in charge, a redhead called Sally Bull who was a longtime friend of his.
In the meantime Ellie, Curtis and Lance were waiting in the library area. Curtis was looking at all the books with Lance who showed the youngster a book about Robin Hood.
Curtis sat down next to Ellie putting the book down in front of her. "Look it's Robin Hood."
"We've got a few days here Curtis, you should read it." Her eyes were directed to the book Lance was waving in her face.
"It's about the old West, Ellie. Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, those kind of people. You know they were two of the Best Fucking Guns in America."
Ellie was actually intrigued, taking the book from him and opening it up. It started with a picture of two of the great American Outlaws Arthur Morgan and John Marston with the date 1899 on it.
"I'm not gonna lie, these two look like complete badasses, I could have lived in that era no problem." Ellie's eyes lit up and she was smiling her first genuine smile for what seemed like forever.
"You found just the right book for her." Curtis said to Lance gently laughing.
"I think so." He replied also smiling.
"Yeah, thank you, it looks like I've got some reading to do too." Ellie and Curtis read in peace for a while as Lance went looking for his own book to read.
Eventually Jane turned up and was a lot happier than she'd been the last two days.
"Sally Bull wants to see us all."
"Aww I was reading." Curtis whined.
"Come on, let's take the books with us, I'm sure she won't mind us borrowing them until we leave." Ellie replied.
"We have to sign the books out." Lance told them.
"Let's do it now then." Curtis said, Lance got the books signed out and the four were on their way to see Sally Bull.
Ellie and Jane went in together while Curtis and Lance waited outside.
"How are both of you?"
"Relieved ma'am, I didn't know if my dad or you were alive or not."
"Please, call me Sally, you've known me since you were a child, no formalities here."
Jane smiled and nodded thanks.
Sally looked at Ellie.
"I'm Ellie, Jane has a letter to explain everything."
"Yes, your dad told me everything Jane, but I'll look at the letter as a formality."
"What happened here?" Ellie asked.
"There was an attack about two months ago."
"Lopez and Roberts? Daniels' men?" Ellie knew but just wanted the confirmation.
"That's the bastards." Sally confirmed. "So you were the one to kill Daniels, finally someone had the gumption to end him. I don't know if word has reached his lieutenants but they're both dangerous men. True we sent them running but unfortunately them and a lot of soldiers got away. I think we were just fodder on the way to Natasha Horne, we've heard nothing since from them and no attack on Horne has come to fruition yet."
Ellie nodded, pondering what was said.
"Too much to expect the infected got them."
"It's possible Ellie." Jane said optimistically.
"Yeah but it's too easy, what do you think happened?" Ellie asked Sally.
"Maybe they're biding time as more of the New Eagles catch up to them."
"If they come past us we'll put them in the ground." Ellie warned.
"I don't doubt you, but be careful when you leave, they could possibly sneak up on you."
"Is it possible to get supplies before we go? I'm planning to stay two more days after today before we leave." Jane asked.
"Of course, whatever you need." Sally told her. "You should go and see your father, introduce your friends to him too. I will ask a favor of you all, that once a day you help do a sweep of the area for infected."
"We will, isn't that right Ellie?" Jane looked at her.
"Yeah, sure, of course, anything to help." Ellie replied.
"You'll love meeting my dad." She added.
"Look, you all relax today, then come and see me in the morning and I'll find some work for you, nothing too major, you obviously all know how to deal with infected, it will be greatly appreciated." Sally added.
"I'll be honest, out of the Bengal bosses I've met, you're the only one I like." Ellie said matter of factly.
"Ellie!" Jane seemed a little shocked.
"Don't make a big deal out of it Jane, I was just saying. You know me by now, I don't like most people and most of them don't like me." Ellie shrugged.
"Yes, either way we like each other and Sally is great." Jane said sternly.
"Agreed and agreed." Ellie raised her hands defensively.
Jane gently took hold of them and put them down. "Don't be silly."
"Jane is a worthy friend Ellie, but don't make her mad, even though you killed Daniels."
"Don't worry I won't, when I actually manage to make a friend I value that although sometimes it sounds like I don't." Ellie laughed.
"Go and meet Roger, Ellie, that's an order." Sally said. "Of you go both of you."
"I agree, too much of this emotional bullshit for me." Ellie got up, lightly saluted Sally and headed out.
"Ellie's awesome really, she's just not good with people." Jane explained.
"It's fine, I like her and she's your friend so that's all I need to know." Sally replied. "Now go and enjoy the rest of the day."
Jane got up thanking Sally and followed Ellie out.
"Right guys, time to meet my dad, Lance already has."
"What does your dad think of Lance?" Curtis asked.
"He thinks I'm the perfect picture of manhood." Lance said with a wide grin.
Sally slapped her head. "Something like that, come on let's go."
A few minutes later Jane knocked on her dad's door.
"Dad it's me, are you there?"
"Yes, come in." Roger called back.
They entered his room and were met with a smell of lavender and ginseng.
"Hello all, introductions please Jane and everyone take a seat." Roger said.
Ellie was last to take a seat after inspecting the room.
"Wait there's no more chairs." Ellie said.
"You've got the beanbag young lady." Roger pointed to it.
Ellie smiled and got comfy on the beanbag, she preferred it to a chair any day of the week.
Roger told them about Jane's mom Jerry, about the toy store and how proud he was of his daughter, they all shared stories. Ellie had shared the story of Joel and herself meeting the giraffe and how it was the first time she'd ever seen one, how she would forever see them as majestic and magical as any unicorn.
Later Ellie and Curtis went to their room and left Jane with her father and Lance. Lance was in a great mood because Roger had admitted always liking him, and maybe he'd be good for Jane. Curtis had butted in saying Jane was definitely good for him, they laughed, Ellie kind of smiled a bit but the jollities were too much for her again and she'd feigned a slight headache. Curtis had left with her of course.
When they got to their room Curtis said. "You don't have a headache do you?"
"No, not really. Don't get me wrong, I love the old guy but I'm just not good with all the laughter and emotions. You know I'm happy they're happy, just, I don't know Curtis, it's just not me, sorry okay?" Ellie opened her bag and pulled out her book on American Outlaws.
"I understand."
"If you want to go back and hang out with them go, don't let me stop you."
"No Ellie, it's you and me. Now read me something from your gunslinger book, I'll get back to reading Robin Hood when you fall asleep, I'm always up later than you." Curtis sat down next to her. "Come on, read something."
"Okay, I like these two guys Arthur Morgan and John Marston, There's a story here about them. What's funny about these two compared to the other outlaws there's stories about them doing good for people who faced hard times."
"Reminds me of Robin Hood, kinda like rob from the rich to give to the poor." Curtis added.
"I don't know, maybe, but listen to this. In 1899 the American Outlaws Arthur Morgan and John Marston, had been wanted by the law for murder and train robberies. But there are stories of the two men doing good. Accounts tell of them helping people in need, here is one such story. A woman from Iowa by the name of René Page tells us her story: 'I was alone in an old shack on the outskirts of the countryside with two children and a husband six feet under the ground. I had borrowed some money from a man of poor repute to see us through the summer with plans of finding work to pay them off and see ourselves through the fall and winter. I didn't know how to hunt and my two children were barely old enough to pick up a bow. I had been visited by five men threatening us if we didn't get payment soon. Threats of having our home burned to the ground, and my children being left without a mother too. The second time they came on my land one of the so called men, nothing but a wild animal, beat me hard in front of my children while one of the others urinated on my husbands' grave. They told me the third time would be the last time. I was frightened and I didn't know what to do. I prayed beside my husband Albert's grave, I thought about leaving but I didn't know where to go. Some days later two men rode through, I came out and could do nothing more than look at them, I knew these were tough men who were hardened by conflict, possibly even outlaws. They rode towards me, one had long dark hair and a scar on his face, the other had length to his hair also, but he didn't look well and was coughing a lot. I asked for assistance expecting none in return. The man with the cough asked what was wrong and I explained everything. At first I thought they would ride on, they introduced themselves as Arthur Morgan and John Marston. Arthur said he and John would stay to drive these men off. Both men taught me to shoot promising me firearms and ammunition of my own before they moved on.
When eventually the men came back to burn the house down and leave my children orphans there was nine of the evil, chortling hyenas. When all was said and done Arthur and John had executed all nine of them. I had never been comfortable with a gun but they had taught me to defend myself and I was happy to take one of the deadman's pistol, as well as a bow, shotgun and a rifle. Arthur and John would bury these men and Arthur would give me a lot of money to get out of there and start afresh which is exactly what I did. I started a new life, I could fend for myself and now so can my children. I owe my life to those two men Arthur and John. It doesn't matter what they had done beforehand, I honestly believe these were two men trying to atone for their sins. I wish they both found what they were looking for, every man has the right to a fresh start.' Wow that's quite the story Curtis, I think my life is mirroring theirs." Ellie exhaled deeply.
"I can see that Ellie yeah, so keep mirroring it, remember for all our mistakes you've got to keep trying to do right."
"I know, I really do, it's so tough sometimes."
"I'll bet it was for Arthur and John too, so keep trying because you're doing great and for what it's worth I'm proud of you Ellie."
"It's worth everything to me, thank you and I will keep trying."
"Good. Okay I'll read a little of Robin Hood, see what you think."
"Sounds good." Ellie listened to him read until he went to his bed to read in silence an hour or so later.
Before they rested their heads Ellie said. "You help me a lot you know little brother, more than you know."
Curtis looked up at her with a beaming smile before returning to his book.
Ellie turned back to her book, mirroring his smile.

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