Jean Kirschtien (Modern AU)

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Idea credit goes to Sarajamss on Tiktok!

The whole group was just having a relax day, one Levi (one of our teachers) had given us...due to our whining and Hanji's (our biology teacher) begging. I lay on the couch with Jean, in one groups boarding house. Eren, Mikasa, Armin's and Marco, we all were assigned to live together while Jean lived with me, Connie and Sasha. Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt and Ymir were grouped up too, and then finally there was Historia, Hitch, Floch, and Marlow. In other words, there was pretty much four in each house. Although, the main group of us to abandon our work was me, Jean, Eren, Reiner, Connie, Marco and Sasha, the others usually were off doing there college work, or working out, or something. Jean lay on his back on the couch, one arm tucked behind his head while the other was wrapped around my waist as I lay to his side, my one leg over one of his and my head resting on his shoulder. Eren had his head tipped against the couch by our feet, sitting on a beanbag. Connie was splayed out on the floor with Reiner In the arm chair. Sasha's feet sat on Reiner's knees, her head laying on Connie's stomach, and Marco was just sat normally, doing his art assignment at the coffee table. It was the middle of the night and none of us could be bothered to d our work, or listen to Mikasa and go to our own rooms/houses. The room was fairly sized, but we all usually migrated to somehow touching someone else. We had all been having our own little conversations with the nearest people to us when Eren spoke up. 

"Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?"

Immediately, Jean and I seized our chance and responded. 


"No?" Armin laughed, walking into the sitting room from the kitchen, having heard the start of the conversation and taking a seat beside Marco with two glasses of water, one for the both of them each. 

"Absolutely not." Jean continued, Connie now pissing himself with laughter, Sasha suffering the brunt of it every time he moved. 

"I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through." Reiner opened his eyes briefly from his slouched position in the chair where he was trying to sleep. Connie was now struggling to breathe, Sasha now catching his contagious laugh.

"'I hope it sucks'." Connie wheezed, repeating Reiner's words, rolling onto his side.

"What the fuck-" Marco laughed, looking up from his artwork in surprise, wanting to know how the rest of this entertaining conversation will go. 

"I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life." I laughed at Jean's comment, joining Connie and Sasha's laughing fit. 

"I hope you reach out to me just so I can ignore you." Jean and Reiner were ripping into Eren, and we all found it hilarious, Eren just sitting there absolutely done with the group of us,

"I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing I could've changed that outcome." I let an entertained gasp leave my throat, sitting up in surprise at the words that had left my boyfriend's mouth, instantly laughing when his joyful eyes met mine. Even Reiner was laughing, despite having been trying to sleep earlier. Marco was wheezing and Armin was chuckling by the coffee table. Sasha was rolling around on the floor while Connie was slapping it trying to regain his breath as the two laughed. I made sure I was looking away from Eren as I laughed, Jean finding it incredibly entertaining. 

"Oh fuck off."

"Awe, come on Eren, it's just a bit of fun!" I laughed at the pouting boy, crawling across the couch until I was by his head, staring down at his face. 

The front door to the house bust open to reveal a very worn out Bertholdt. We all tared at him, confused, but amused. We waited until he caught his breath for him to explain. 

"Levi...and Erwin...are doing house checks...tonight..." House checks. It was to make sure we were all in our assigned houses at curfew, they did these on random unassigned nights...When those two did them, it was almost guaranteed you would not be seen the next day, mysteriously appearing a few days later, incredibly sleep deprived and smelling like cleaning supplies. We all shot up from our seats, knowing it was well passed curfew. "They're at.." Bertholdt caught his breath. "They're at Historia's." Jean, Sasha, Connie and I shared a look, knowing we would be the next house to be checked out. 

"Oh shit..." Jean muttered and I quickly slipped my shoes on. 

"We need to leave, right now."

Sasha dropped the food onto the coffee table while Connie grabbed their shoes, Jean grabbing his, as well as his hoodie and my jacket. We opened the door and peered down the road, spotting the parked car of our teachers. 

"Fuck..." I muttered. We were a little down the street, but across it, from Historia's. Luckily it was the middle of the night, lovely and dark for our escape. The four of us hurried out of the house, crouching behind cars before sprinting across the road, and hiding behind another car when a torch was shined our way. I nodded over to the side door of our house. The others nodded, shuffling along the floor behind cars and trees. We were just outside the house, hiding behind Connie's car when a hand touched Sasha's shoulder, making us all freeze. I turned my head and found Levi behind us. "Scatter!" I screamed, all of us sprinting off in separate directions. From their front door, I could see Eren laughing, using the door as support, with Armin and Marco, Mikasa descending the stairs to see what was going on. Reiner was still relaxing on their couch, peeking out of the window, waiting for this all to pass so he and Bertholdt could sneak home. 

I ended up hiding down an alleyway between two buildings, escaping campus...and Levi. I smiled, panting as I peaked around the corner, noticing Erwin's car not very far away, it's lights on full beam. When I turned back around, I jumped, smacking the arm of the boy who had joined me in the alley. 

"Don't scare me like that!" I hissed, mildly entertained. 

"Sorry." Jean chuckled, peeking around the corner and seeing how close the car was getting to us. "They're too close for us to start running again." I nodded in agreement as he returned to me, leaning against the opposing building. 

"How do we make them not notice us? If they shine a light down here, they're going to see it's us..."

"That's if they can see our faces." I stare at my boyfriend, more than confused, but soon getting the idea. Jean took a small step closer to me as I looked up for my eyes to meet his. A gentle smile crossed his lips as he pulled his hood up, my hand settling on his jaw as I stood on the balls of my feet, drawing his to meet my own. His hands slid around my waist before sliding down my body to my thighs, lightly tapping them so I would jump enough for him to lift me, press me against the wall and settle my legs around his waist. Our lips continued to move in sync, the familiar sound of a car slowly driving passed in search of us. 


"No, just two kids making out in the alley. They're separated, they went in different directions." I glanced out of the corner of my eye as Levi and Erwin conversed, noticing Connie and Sasha in the backseat, gawking at us in surprise, wondering how we had pulled off our daring escape. s the car continued to drive, Jean and I continued to kiss until it was out of earshot. 

"I can't believe that actually worked..." Jean muttered, carefully setting me down as I let my arms fall from being looped over his shoulders. I pulled his hood down with a smile. 

"We should probably run home..."

"I was thinking sprint..." I nodded, the two of us bolting across the road and back down our street, straight passed Eren's, who was still stood at the door watching everything go down, Reiner and Bertholdt now on the run too. Jean and I quickly slipped into the house and hurried up the stairs to his room, which we pretty much shared at this point. I pulled off my jacket and dropped onto his bed, falling onto my back as he dropped his hoodie onto the desk chair. "Tonight's been fun." I laughed and gave an approving hum. 

"Maybe we should stay go over there more nights." Jean chuckled and shook his head, dropping onto the bed beside me, and wrapping me in his arms as he lay down. 

"Eren is too much of pain in the ass." I cuddled into my boyfriend, the front door open and closing with two people huffing and turning on the lights. Footsteps thundered up the stairs before our door was thrown open. 

"How did you guys pull that off?!"

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