Marco Bodt

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We got some throuple stuff going on! Mainly Marco though!

Upon the little black haired girl running passed me, I immediately scooped her up as she ran away from my boyfriend. She clung to me, hiding her face in my neck with a bright smile as I wandered toward the stairs, noticing she was barely dressed.

"Marco!" I called out, amused by the situation that had presented itself. Said freckled boyfriend came down the stairs, chuckling as he pulled a dry shirt on. Her hair was still wet. I held her out as I stood at the base of the stairs, her father taking her from my hands as she squirmed. "Jinx..." I warned and she just laughed.

"Come on, if you don't get dried and dressed, we can't go see Jean." Immediately our daughter stopped wiggling, complying with our request. The two of us shared a look with raised eyebrows. I followed Marco up the stairs. He headed into our daughter's room while I headed into our, pulling a dry shirt out of the wardrobe and slipping it on. "(N/n)?!"

"Yeah?" I pulled the hem down, adjusting my sleeves to sit off my shoulders before walking to Marco. He tipped his head back when he heard me enter the room.

"Where's the yellow sweater?" I shrugged with a smile, noticing he had slipped his yellow sweater on earlier. I checked the back of the door, finding it and handing it to him. He quickly slipped it onto the small ravenette. She pulled it to sit over her leggings properly. I giggled, kneeling beside Marco and resting my head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around my waist.

"She really loves that sweater, huh?" Marco nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to my temple.

"Come on, we've got to go." I nodded, Jinx following after her father as he left the room.

I wandered into the second child's bedroom, crouching beside their bed and they pouted.

"Hey sweetie." The boy rolled over, his eyes meeting mine, bored. While Jinx was 5, named because black related to Halloween and so did Jinxes...Malakhai happened to be 5 years old as well, my children being very different twins. "Up you get." I knew he was dressed and ready for the day, he just didn't want too get out of his bed. "Come on." I slid my hands under the blanket and yanked him out from under it as he tried to grab onto something to keep himself buried in the materials. He let himself hang loosely in my arms, hugging me as I walked out of his room and down the stairs. Marco grabbed Malakhai's shoes, Jinx running out to the car and waiting by her usual seat's door. I sat Mal into his seat, slipping on his shoes and strapping him in since I was already wearing my shoes. Marco helped Jinx up into her seat, strapping her in before sliding into the driver's seat, I slid into the passenger's seat.

It didn't take long, but we pulled into a park. Across the field, just a little bit, I could see our friends. I pulled Jinx from her seat, Marco grabbing Kai. I set the smaller girl down, she happily took my hand. Marco smiling as he held Kai, locking the car as we started walking over to our group. I recognised Sasha and Connie straight away. We hadn't seen most of these people since we all split off for college, so most of them hadn't met our children. Upon spotting Jean, Jinx let go of my hand and hurried over to him. He immediately scooped her up in his arms. Marco nodded over to Jean, pointing him out to Malakhai, for the first time in a while, the child smiled, resting his head on Marco's shoulder. Eren nudged Mikasa, nodding over to us, who had a small child, while Jean held the other, me being free of tiny beings, well aside from the one inside of me. I watched in amusement as Armin pointed out my ever growing stomach. Jean came over, holding my daughter in his arms. He smiled when he stopped in front of me, leaning down to my height and gently pressing his lips to mine. Marco chuckled as Jinx grimaced and tried to pry herself away from Jean. The ravenette took his matching daughter in his arms, Jean's free arms wrapping around my waist as mine wrapped over his shoulders.

"I thought (Y/n) was with you...?" I heard Armin's voice and Marco's laugh.

"She is."

"So why is she kissing horse-face?" Eren asked. Marco shook his head, setting his daughter down, Jean resting his head against mine with a bright smile.

"Who's is it this time?" He motioned down to my stomach.

"I'm like eighty percent certain it's yours." He kissed my forehead, the two of us heading over to our friends.

"Cause she's with me, as well." Jean explained to Eren, taking Malakhai from Marco's arms, the small child brightening up immediately, clinging to the man.

"And you're both cool with her seeing both of you?" They nodded as I sat below the tree, Connie having asked the question.

"Yeah, I'm not here half the time anyway, but when I am, I'm always the one to sort things out." Marco and I glared at Jean, despite him being right.

"Daddy?" Jean turned his attention to his son.


"Why do they call you horse-face?" I snorted, laughing with Eren as Marco and Armin sighed. Connie and Sasha weren't paying attention anymore, playing with Jinx.

"So how does this work?" Mikasa motioned to the three of us. I chose to be the one to explain.

"Marco and I started dating in high school, obviously." I reminded the group. "In college we ended up being in a house with Jean, then it turned out both of us had been cheating on each other," My friends stared at Marco and I in surprise. "With Jean. So we just thought, screw it, and then he became a part of the relationship."

"And the kids? Who's are they?" Both men raised their hands awkwardly and hesitantly. "Really?" I nodded. "Who's is that?" Sasha pointed to my stomach and I pointed to Jean, who had raised his hand again.

"That'd be mine...we think, we're not a hundred percent sure." Marco nodded in agreement, Jean setting Kai down so he could go and play with his sister, which he did, the two running around and playing tag.

"Who belongs to who?" Connie asked, nodding to the kids.

"Jinx is Marco's, Malakhai is Jean's."

"Is it not hard balancing time between the two of them?" I shrugged as Eren asked his question, genuinely curious as to how this worked.

"Sometimes, although I see Marco more since Jean is away a lot-"

"Why's Jean away?" Mikasa raised an eyebrow.

"I joined the Military after college...? Did none of you actually know that?" They shook their heads. "Wow, we've been seriously out of contact..." I giggled, resting my head on Jean's shoulder when he sat down beside me, Marco settling his head on my lap as he stared up at the sky.

"How do you decide who gets to be with you in bed? Do you guys have like a schedule or something?" We shook our heads, trying to contain our laughter at Connie's question. "Then how do you decide?" We shook our heads again. "You don't?" Again. "What do you do?"

"If one of us is horny, we just grab someone and go, although usually the other will join at some point." Armin became flustered, Eren and Connie sharing a look, knowing that threesome's were every guys fantasy, and our relationship was an everlasting one.

"The person always grabbed, is always (Y/n)." Marco laughed, linking his hand with mine.

"Poor thing can't catch a break." I pouted as Jean continued the teasing, petting my head.

"What about who tops-?" Mikasa swatted Eren, who seemed a little too invested. Marco chose to explain this one, pointing to Jean, me, and then himself.

"Switch, switch, switch."

"Wait, how does that work?" Sasha swatted Connie, who was also a little too invested. I noticed Armin had joined the children, letting them play with his hair and fawn over him while he taught Kai how to make daisy chains.

"Well...obviously Marco is almost always a sub, to me and (N/n)." Jean explained, playing with Marco's hair. "(N/n), might sub with Marco, with me as a dom. Or she'll top us both."

"And as Jean never likes to admit, he also gets topped by us." I laughed at Marco's addition.

"And very rarely, Marco tops us." The freckled Jesus' face flushed massively, rolling over so his face buried into my legs.

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