Eren Jaeger {Modern Au}

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I was a short dark brown haired child with bright ocean blue eyes. At the time my hair was just above my shoulders.

At the age of 10 I moved to England, leaving behind two of my closest and only friends. I was always different from everyone else and so were they. The oldest of us was a quiet light brown haired kid and he had bright turquoise eyes. Then there was a blonde haired boy, he was so energetic and friendly, loved animals and the outside world and was really easy to get along with. Eren and Armin. My parents were just as devastated to move away as I was, they're best friends were my best friends parents. Eren's parents were awesome, they were really sweet and used to look after me if my parents had to go somewhere, the same with Armin's grandfather, although it'd end up as me helping out with babysitting Armin's little cousin, the little cousin was a grumpy little brat, if I could predict what he's like now, I'd say he's antisocial and loves video games.

Seven years later and I'm moving back to my hometown. To be honest, I doubt any of the three will even remotely remember me. I have to finish school there because my parents got home sick and couldn't help but want to go back and stay for good. I hadn't made any friends in England because I knew that if I did I'd end up leaving them at some point, and another set of broken friendships isn't what I need.

We had to move to England because my, then, 10 year old cousin had been abandoned and we had to look after him. Aside from my mother I'm the only girl on my dads side of the family, if you must know. The only girls on my mothers side would be her, me and my two aunts.

We walked down the gate from the plane and into the bustling airport. I checked my phone and saw the time and my lock screen.
My lock screen was a picture of me and my cousin, Jean, because I knew I wouldn't see him for awhile, although he had moved back into town too, just earlier than us. Making our way to the airports exit, we weaved through what seemed to be hundreds of people.
Upon reaching the parking lot I spotted two familiar faces next to a car. Nick and Marco. For those who I haven't mentioned it to, Marco was Jean's internet friend who we would always FaceTime. I smiled and pulled my suitcases along behind me with my bag on my back. Stopping in front of them, I dropped my bags and pulled them into a hug. 

"It's great to finally meet in person, (y/n)!" The dark haired male greeted as he hugged back.


We loaded our begs into the car and slipped ourselves in, The freckled Jesus had agreed to let my dad drive so I could sit in the back and annoy the two teenagers. My mother sat in the passenger seat beside my father. We talked about what we've missed about being here and what we're going to miss about England.
We had bought a house not far from our old one, so as we pulled up to the new house Marco asked a 'vital' question.

"Cats or Dogs?" I thought for a moment.

"To cuddle and mess around with, Dogs. To relax and play with, cats." He nodded at my statement and went into deep thought. I laughed and grabbed my bags, strolling into the house and claiming the biggest bedroom as mine. It had a window seat which led onto a balcony, a walk-in-wardrobe, shelving built into the walls and an ensuite. I smiled and placed my bags beside the already assembled king sized bed, which sat along the far wall, underneath the shelving. Into the corner of the room was a beautiful oak desk which curved to go around the two joining walls, the ensuite's door next to it and the window seat on the other side. The wall with my bed was black while the rest were almost blood red. I decided not to redecorate because whoever had this room before me had great taste in decoration. My bag ended up being thrown onto the desk and I began unpacking the, already here, boxes of my stuff.

I had finished unpacking and placing everything in its, now designated, spots. Books on the shelves, clothes, shoes and bags in the wardrobe, toiletries in the bathroom, laptop, notebooks and stationery on my desk with the duvet and a few plushies and pillows on my bed. Now happy with the layout I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and checked the time.
Almost seven hours...well that's a new record. I wandered out of my room and noticed the rest of the house was done too. I shouted through the house to my mom that I was going to take a walk to get used to everything again. I slipped a shoulder bag over my..well...shoulder and left the house, making sure my portable charger, wallet, phone and headphones were in it. Luckily they were. I plugged my headphones in and played some random shit.

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