Connie Springer

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I dropped into the seat beside Sasha, the boys having been off on their own table for today for some reason.

"Why are we separated by gender today?" Ymir asked, dropping into a seat beside Mikasa and Krista. We all shrugged.

"They're all talking about something and they won't tell us what." I bit my lip, glancing over to the boys who were very invested in their conversation, laughing every now and then. Us girls fell silent, trying to listen to the conversations.

"She's crazy, though." I heard Jean's voice, the group os us females looking around each other to try and silently figure out who he was on about.

"She's kind of hot, though." Sasha's eyes widened as Connie admitted he found someone hot. She never expected to hear those words come from him, he never mentioned having an interest in anyone, and those two told each other everything.

"Yeah, she is..." We all became insanely confused at Eren's words, even Ymir, she was growing increasingly protective of us all.

"She said that I probably have low self-esteem..." We heard Armin's voice, a most of us becoming sympathetic. "But she is attractive..."

"Even Armin?" Mikasa whispered, we all shrugged, eating out dinner as the boys all chatted away.

"Some guys have given up going for her, they say it's tiring, like a job." Eren added to his friends, sending them a look as they silently asked 'really?'. "I think he's got a shot, though." He motioned to Connie.

"No one understands your big plan, Con, but he's right, you might just have a shot." Jean playfully nudged the boy beside him. "Most of the Corps don't believe in us, but we're alright with that." The boys nodded, even Reiner and Bertholdt had joined the conversation.

"We're gonna end up in their positions sooner or later, or they're going to die." Reiner's dark comment went ignored, the conversation switching back to the topic of girls.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane, she probably thinks I'm stupid cause of all the dumb shit I do."

"Connie, you're alright, you'll be fine." All of us girls at the table were now staring at them curiously, genuinely concerned and wanting to know who the fuck they were on about. The bell rang, signalling the end of dinner. I followed the other 104th girls in my cabin, back to our own cabin. In my cabin, I was with; Sasha, Mikasa, Ymir, Krista, Mina, Annie, Hanna, Ruth, Sandra, and then we had two empty beds since those who would have occupied them, dropped out, while we were the last cabin to be filled.

I smiled brightly, grabbing Sasha's hand and pulling her up as Ymir began to strum her guitar, Krista singing softly beside her as Sandra beat the wood of the cabin with Ruth to create a rhythm in the middle of the night, our entire cabin outside just outside of the wooden structure.

"There will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword, he will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord." Sasha danced with me, the two of us creating this silly little dance which fit perfectly with the music, switching from foot to foot, twirling around with joyous smiles. Other cadets had gone to their windows and peered out to see what the noise was about, some going onto their veranda's to watch us.

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord." Krista stood up, joining our little dance in the middle of the area as we joined her singing. "He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord."

"There will come a poet, whose weapon is his word, he will slay you with his tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord." Krista smiled brightly, enjoying this moment since half of us in the cabin never did anything fun.

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord. He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord." Annie was leaning against the banister, barely smiling as she watched us all have fun. As the music grew more upbeat, the lyrics fading, I watched Sasha step away from me and Krista, still dancing as she took Mikasa's hand and pulled her to her feet, I grabbed Annie's, dragging her with me into the night's crisp air.

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