Jean Kirschtien {Part Two}

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Season 4/Final season spoilers!!!!

I sat up with a whine and pulled my shoulders back, popping my back. I noticed two people in the infirmary room. Levi Ackerman, and Jean Kirschtien. 

"How are you feeling, kid?" I shrugged with a smile. 

"Less exhausted."

"Good. Now how'd you survive? Was it like Eren?" I tilted my head in confusion. 

"I used my blades and cut a way out."

"When we found your gear, your blades were dull." I glared at my cousin.

"Why do you think I was gone for two days...?" I pouted as Levi chuckled, ruffling my hair before going to leave the room. A small smile graced his lips. 

"You'll be joining the Scouts when you can make the choice, so I can keep an eye on you." I nodded. 

"Was planning to, anyway."

"Good. I'll see you later, Brat."

I smiled as the door shut, shuffling so my body was facing Jean. 

"So what brings you by?" He sent me a small relieved smile. 

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you, but why are you here?"

"To see how you're doing..." He swallowed, and I nodded for him to come sit on the bed beside me. When he did, we sat in silence for a moment as I turned to face him again. "Marco's dead..." Was the first thing he said, his way of breaking the silence.

"I know...I watched him die..." My voice shrunk back to a whisper a sad smile on my lips. At least Marco doesn't have to live through this hell anymore. 

"W-what happened?"

"Someone took his gear...he heard something he shouldn't have...and they left him for dead..."

"What? Why didn't you save him!?" I looked down at my hands, tears welling in my hands again.

"I didn't have any gas and my blades were dull...I couldn't do anything but stay out of sight..." I watched as tears fell onto my hands, which were neatly folded in my lap. "I couldn't save him, I could only listen to him scream." I swallowed thickly, not wanting to remember the sigh. I looked up when Jean's hand rest on mine. I smiled sadly s my eyes met his surprised and sympathetic ones. "I'm sorry I couldn't help, Jean, I know how close you two were." His other hand gently rest on the top of my head before slipping to cup my face. His eyes were glistening with tears. He nodded slightly. "I miss him..."

"I miss him too...But at least I still have you." I smiled as I leaned into his hand with a sniffle and a whimper, trying to hold back a sob. My body shook as more tears fell. 

"Why'd we have to lose so many people..?" Jean gently pulled me into a hug, my head resting against his shoulder as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders, his slipping around my waist. 

"I don't know..." He whispered, hesitantly resting his head on mine.


Four years had passed since the retake of Shiganshina. We had ventured to the sea, that far outside of the wall. But we were soon to cross the sea to complete another mission, one set out by Hanji, Zeke and Armin. 

But currently I lay on the large bed in the room, Sasha draped across my legs with Connie sat on the floor with his head tipped back on the bed beside Sasha's head as they chatted, the girl laying with bread stuffed in her mouth. Jean lay beside me on his back, his fingers gently playing with mine as he turned his head to face me, adoringly. Over the years we had all grown taller. Jean had grown to 6'2", Connie was 5'9", and Sasha was 5'6", personally I had managed to grow to a similar height to Connie, reaching 5'8" over the four year period. Sasha's hair was shorter, usually tied in a baby ponytail, Connie was growing his hair, Jean's was much longer, he now proudly sported a mullet.
I turned my head to look from Sasha and Connie, to Jean with a soft smile.

"...I love you..." I heard him briefly whisper, his eyes meeting mine. I felt my heart stop for a second and my breath hitch in my throat as our two friends fell silent in surprise. The two turned their heads to look at us. 


Jean chuckled to himself, lightly tangling his fingers with mine. 

"I love you." My eyes widened in surprise and I felt my face heat up, making Jean smirk in success. He gently brought our tangled fingers to his lips, gently pressing his lips to the back of my hand. Since Marco...the two of us had grown closer. Once we had reached the shoreline, we began to grown closer in a different way, a more love interest sort of way. It wasn't until two years ago at 17 that we had begun harmlessly flirting. At 18, Jean had told me how he felt about me. It took some time for me to digest the information, but eventually I told him how I felt, that the feeling was mutual. We started dating. It really hadn't been very long since then. Now, Jean was 19, while I was still 18, that's how recent it was. It had only really been six months, and I could tell that Jean had been holding back that confession for months. "You don't have to say anything." He continued to speak, his voice soft and calming. "I just wanted you to know." I smiled, sitting up and leaning down to him until my lips tenderly pressed to his. 

"I love you too." Jean tried to supress a smile, but failed, brushing back part of my hair, which had fallen onto my face, before bringing me into another kiss, just as tender as the last. I heard Sasha slip off the bed, Connie sounding like he had just physically choked on words. 

A hard knock echoed around the room from the bedroom door. While I had fallen asleep under the bedcovers with Jean, Connie was asleep on the room's couch with a blanket lazily draped over him, Sasha passed out on the rug with a pillow and blanket too. I smiled as I sat up, brushing my long fringe out of my face. The four of us had a tendency to sleep in the same room, we didn't want to lose anyone, and we were just all that close...although when one or two of us wanted privacy, we'd all retreat to our own rooms. Sasha and Connie shared a double room, while the room we all currently slept in was mine and Jean's, we all usually slept in it because it was bigger and had a bigger bed. 

"(Y/n)! Are you up?" I groaned and slid out of bed, Jean grabbing my waist and tugging me back onto the bed. 

"Jean!" I laughed, he just mumbled something, pulling me back under the covers. "What?" I asked, wanting him to repeat what he had just incoherently said. 

"Just tell him to come in." I laughed to myself as the older teenager nuzzled his face into my stomach with a butterfly kiss. 

"You're going to have to come in, Armin!" I sat against the headboard in a tank top, my legs under the blanket with a shirtless Jean lazily staring at the blond as he pushed open the door. Jean stared, bored and tired, with his head resting on my mid-torso, his arm draped over my thighs, with his fingers lightly drumming against my hip, his other arm stuffed under a pillow. Sasha was sprawled out across the room by Connie, in a t-shirt and sweats, the same as Connie. Even now they were like twins, dressing the same at night, it was cute how close they were. "Good morning, Armin, how'd you sleep?"

"Alright, and you?" I nodded with a smile, one of my hands fiddling with Jean's long hair. "O-oh! Eren wants to speak with you." I grimaced, Jean sighing. 

"I'm going to pass, he's a little...unstable now..." Armin nodded in agreement, glancing over to the sleeping Connie and Sasha.

"How long have they been asleep?" I shrugged.

"A few hours, maybe. Speaking of, I'd like to catch up on some sleep today, too. Could I speak with you guys tomorrow?" Armin nodded with a smile.

"I'll let Hanji know."

"Thank you!" He quietly pulled the door to a close and I shuffled back under the blankets, cuddling into Jean as he settled his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. 

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