Jean Kirschtien (Modern Au!)

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Levi, Hanji and Erwin are only going to be a little older than the others in this. While most of the 104th will be 18-20, the three of them will be 21-23. 

Everyone had gone out for the night, well most people. Erwin, and Hanji were having everyone over for a mildly out of hand party. I had decided on staying home, in my room, to finish an assignment. 

Just as I finished proof-reading and editing, my phone went off. I sighed in relief, finally submitting my work before closing my laptop and checking my phone. 
I have snapchat from Hanji..? I didn't even know I had her on snapchat...
I shook my head and opened the message anyway. 

Hanji: You should come over! Put the work on hold, and come have some fun!

I stared at it, another messaging coming through when she saw I had viewed her message.

Hanji: Put something cute on and get your little butt over here!
Hanji: And hurry up! Eren and Levi are getting drunk!

I continued to stare at the messages, saving them before shaking my head and leaving her on read. I shared a house with Jean, Eren and Levi...and oh my god the amount of arguing that went on in this building was ridiculous. Eren and Jean would constantly be arguing, Levi would argue with all of us, and I would just try and fade into the background, trying to get my grades up, since I was still really adamant on getting the best grades I could in my course. We all had separate rooms, well except Eren and Levi. Originally Eren, Jean, and I had moved in together, so into a three bed house, and then Eren and Levi started dating, and then Levi moved in. He was like a house mother, it was horrible, although everything was usually clean. He loved my room, mainly because it was never messy and I always actually put my laundry away. Jean and Eren just left theirs in a pile on their beds. Levi hated it and always ended up putting it away for them. I was probably Levi's favourite housemate, at the moment, he'd said it far too many times. Anyway, Hanji lived with Erwin, Armin and Mikasa. Erwin and Armin bonded over their knowledge while Armin and Hanji bonded over their scientific curiosity...Mikasa just wanted to stay near one of her friends, and Armin's little home had a free room, so he offered it to her. Sasha and Connie obviously lived together, with the addition of sweet Marco, while Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, and Ymir lived together too, Historia living with them too, the same sort of situation as Levi and Eren, she was dating Ymir for awhile so they moved in together. 
I moved over to my wardrobe and stared at the clothes inside of it, deciding on black off-shoulder long-sleeve dress, and simple high-top converse. I grabbed my phone, keys and a zip-up before turning out all the lights and heading out. I messaged Hanji, telling her that I was on my way.

Upon my arrival, as I was climbing the steps up to their house, Hanji flung the door open with a beaming smile. I giggled as she pulled me up the steps and then into a tight hug. I peered over her shoulder and spotted Erwin, sending him a small wave. When Hanji released me, I went over to the blond, sharing a hug. 

"Happy birthday!" I smiled, earning one in response, followed by a 'thank you'. I grabbed a bottle of beer and leant my back against the island counter in the kitchen, watching everyone fuck around. "So what'd I miss?" I asked Erwin, who sat on a tall stall beside me, observing the party too, with Armin. Armin pointed to Eren and Levi on the couch, one with their head tipped back over the couch, on the verge of passing out, while the other had collapse with his head in the others lap. Jean taking a selfie before standing straight and typing something with a smirk. I felt my phone go off. I pulled it out of my hoodie pocket and opened the snapchat I had been sent. I looked up to see Jean smirking at me, laughing to himself before he went over to Marco and Connie. I showed Erwin and Armin the image. Armin covered his face with a tiny laugh, Erwin chuckling. It was the selfie Jean had taken with our roommates passed out bodies, captioning it 'public blowjob be like, smh'. I laughed to myself, taking a sip of my drink and screenshotting the image before putting my phone away again. 

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