This Journey

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Oliver's POV:

She definitely said what I thought she did. She must have thought I was deep in slumber, believe me I was about to be. She just said the three words I have been longing to hear cross her lips since we were little eleven year old's prancing around the castle. 

I have never felt wholly complete my whole life. I know I do not have the right to complain, I have almost everything someone could ever want. I am eternally grateful for everything I have, including quidditch and my friends and family. However, there has always been a missing piece. 

I know it sounds cliché,  but what if she was always the missing link in my life? What if she is the single person that can fulfill my desire to love and be loved? I have never felt this way about anyone before, and it is honestly a scary thing. To fall so deep, so fast for someone and not know if they are going to catch you is the single most terrifying thing I have ever felt. If I am being honest, even after all the love she has showed me I am still afraid that she will leave and find someone better. I know deep down, that she is mine and I am hers. I have every intention of being hers forever. 

Hearing these words cross her lips brings me so much joy and compassion. She has no idea that she has the capability of moving me, shaping me, and bringing me to life every time she speaks. I think that is why I am so excited to bring her home to my family. Mum already loves her, but the real test will be dad. If this goes how I imagine it will, she will be my forever. 

This journey will determine the rest of my life, and I cannot wait to get started. 

"I love you more, beautiful. Don't you ever forget it." I say to her, as I fall into the deepest sleep with only dreams of her and I together dancing behind my eyelids. 

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