3: The Interceptor

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Well, they caught the scallywag and threw him in the gallows. Against your better judgement, you went and paid him a visit and brought bread and water.

"I can't believe they caught the infamous Captain Jack sparrow," you said with a smirk.

"Yet here I am and you could get me out." He replied, mirroring your smirk.

"Come here pretty lass," said one of the other prisoners.

"If I come any closer to you i'll cut your hand off." He backed away. You turned your attention to Sparrow. "About getting you out," You smiled "This is not my fault now is it?" He ignored the question and you handed him the bread and water.

"Rather generous of you," he smiled and leaned closer to you on the bars "now however shall I pay you back."

You laughed at what he was suggesting. "I am here for my own amusement and it's no trouble at all. Besides, I doubt you could pay me back with something you would enjoy so much."

"Fair enough, Miss?" he waited for your answer

"Y/N, Y/N is fine" you replied, he wasn't anything like Norrington and you, dare you say, liked it? "Well, that's it for now Captain-"

"Jack, if you please"

"Jack, then, I must be off on my way." You leaned in close to his face. "Don't miss me too much." and you left.

_ _ _

You thought it was so stupid to fight the undead, you weren't going to win or anything. So you just walked around the streets, avoiding everything. You walked to Will's place since it was away from the drama and fell asleep there.

_ _ _

You awoke with a start. Will was shaking you "Y/N, Y/N! Get up! I need your help, they took Elizabeth!"

"What?!" you rushed to get dressed

"The pirates took her last night, neither the Governor nor the Commodore are reacting quick enough."

"Ok, first, calm down. Second, let me talk to Norrington."

"I suggested that but he said that he wouldn't even see you."

Maybe I was too bold yesterday.

"What's your plan?"

"That Jack Sparrow must know!"

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

You felt an adventure was on it's way so you put on brown pants, a cream colored peasant shirt and a brown vest over it. You made haste and reached the Gallows promptly. Jack was laying on his back, but you internally laughed at the sight of the bone he had been using to pick the lock.

"You, Sparrow," started Will.

"Ey," responded Jack "Hello Y/N."

You nodded in return.

"You are familiar with the ship, the Black Pearl?"

"I've heard of it."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you more than heard of it," you interjected. Will nodded at you and continued. He asked a couple of questions to no real point.

"Just tell me. Where is it?" Will was getting frustrated and you touched his shoulder to let him know, he relaxed a little.

"Why ask me?" questioned Jack

"Take a guess," You replied

"Because your a pirate," added Will

"And you want to be a pirate yourself? Is that it?" asked Jack

Will? A pirate? You laughed at the thought.

"Never." Will was repelled by the idea. He then confessed, "they took Miss Swann".

"Oh! So it is that you've found a girl!" Jack sat up a little.

"He found her a long time ago, and it's more like she found him," you said with a smirk. Jack chuckled and Will gave you a 'really?' look, which only made you laugh.

Jack saw no profit in the plan for him, however.

"Well, what if we got you out of here?" you asked as if it was nothing.

"That's right," Will looked around, "I helped build these cells. All you need is the proper leverage and application of strength."

"What's your name?" asked Jack

"Will Turner," answered Will

Something seemed to click inside the pirate, he accepted your proposal and you shook hands with him. He grabbed his effects and you all ran out, stopping under a bridge.

"We're going to steal a ship?" asked Will. "That ship?"

"Commandeer" You corrected

Jack continued, "We are going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term. One question," Jack faced Will, "this girl, how far are you willing to go to save her?"

"I'd die for her" was Will's dramatic answer and you rolled your eyes. Sure, you knew he would but the way he said it was so stupid.

"No worries then" said Jack and you nudged him but that only made him smile.

You all rushed over to a boat and walked into the water with it upside down. It left a bubble of air for us. Interesting.

"This is either madness or brilliance." Will shook his head

"It's remarkable how often those two coincide," said Jack very matter of factly.

"Madness obviously is the dominant one in you" you mumbled to myself. 

Once on the magnificent ship. You all took over and the clever plan unfolded. At first, however, Jack looked like the worst pirate you'd ever heard of. Norrington and his crew were soon next to the ship you were on. Everything was going according to plan. They came onto the ship, whilst Jack, Will and you swung onto the interceptor. You cut off all the lines and were on your way. You stood at the edge and saw Norrington, you smiled a little guiltily but you could swear you saw him smile back. He was not the funny type with anyone but you; even if he thought you were in way over your head, he couldn't resist. 

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