17: Jack?

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 "Captain Jack Sparrow?" said an old, balding man with blue eyes. "Owes me four doubloons. Heard he was dead."

"Singapore," said a chubby man with a grey beard, tanned skin, and light eyes at the shore. "That's what I heard. Drunk, with a smile on his face. Sure as a tide, Jack Sparrow turn up in Singapore."

"Jack Sparrow?" said a woman with a high pitched voice. Wait isn't that..

"I haven't seen him in a month," said the woman next to her.

"When you find him, will you give him a message?" She slapped Will. Yup it's Giselle. You laughed and Will gave you a 'shut up' look.

"Can't say about Jack Sparrow," said a dark strongly- built man. "But there's an island just south of the straits where I trade spice for... mmm.. Delicious long pork. Cannot say about Jack, but you'll find a ship there. A ship with black sails."

You looked at Will and he nodded.

Sure enough, there it was, the Black Pearl. The man had been kind enough to show you. "My brother will take you ashore."

Halfway there, the brother stopped.

"What's wrong? The beach is right there?" asked Will.

The man started speaking french. Will looked at you and you shrugged. You stood up, ready to dive in.

"Bon voyage," said the man.

"Merci," You replied

You swam to the shore and the Pearl with Will and he called out for Jack and the other crew members. No reply.

You decided to go into the forest, glad you had changed into a shirt and pants. A familiar yellow and blue parrot flew over. "Don't eat me," it was saying.

"We're not going to eat you," you said, confused. You continued walking through the wet jungle. Will found a line and followed it, you behind him.

"Wha-" you were cut off by a man yelling and stumbled backwards, pushing Will into a trap. Will hung by his feet and you were surrounded. Will challenged the Natives but you kept silent. They all looked at each other and tranquilized him. They focused on you. You kneeled. They were pleased and led you away.

You walked over a bridge. They had tied Will to a piece of wood, like you would a pig, and painted your face.

The natives walked you along. You were very unfamiliar with their rituals. You saw one wearing a wig and smiled at him. He smiled back. They seemed nice.

That's when you saw Jack on a throne. He also had paint on his face, eight eyes were painted. Will woke up and focused on him too. "Jack?" he asked. "Jack sparrow!"

Will chuckled and you covered his mouth. Jack walked over and 'inspected' Will. Jack then spoke in the Native language. He looked so stupid. You stifled a laugh when he told them that Will was a eunuch.

The natives murmured. You moved your hand from Wills mouth and he immediately started

"Jack! Your compass! Elizabeth's in danger. We-" you covered his mouth again and gave him a look.

Jack turned around, said something to the natives and Will was taken away. He whispered to Will, "Save me, us."

You were going to follow Will when an older lady stopped you, took your hand and gave it to Jack. You were confused, all you could hear was Will yelling over the native chanting.

"What did you tell them?" you whispered.

"To put him with the others," he replied.

"Why not me?" You turned to face an observant crowd. They looked at you expectantly. Someone came up and pushed you closer to Jack. oh.

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