16: What we must

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You were led, with Will, into a naturally lit room, it was finely decorated with large windows. On the wall to your left there was a painting of a map. The world's map.

"Lord Beckett," said the guard. "The prisoners as ordered, sir."

"Those won't be necessary," he replied. The guard took off Will's irons and Mr. Mercer was sent away.

You walked over to the painter, he smiled kindly. You took some brushes and started helping him. He hesitated at first but let you.

Lord Beckett poured a drink and said, "The East India Trading Company has need of your services." He offered Will the drink, which he declined.

Lord Beckett walked over to you and offered it, you declined as well and said, "I assume these services require more than a paintbrush."

"Indeed." He walked away. "We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with our mutual friend Captain Sparrow."

"More acquaintance," replied Will.

"How do you know him?" you asked, not looking away from the painting.

"We've had dealing in the past," answered Lord Beckett. You looked up to see a red brandishing 'P'. "and we've each left our mark on the other."

"What mark did he leave on you?" asked Will. You focused on the painting once more.

"By your efforts, Jack Sparrow was set free," he replied. "I would like you to go to him and recover a certain property in his possession."

"Recover?" you asked.

"At the point of a sword?" added Will.

"Bargain," answered the Lord. He opened a small box and pulled out a leather folder. "Letters of Marque. You will offer what amounts to a full pardon. Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of england."

You scoffed and Will said, "Somehow I doubt Jack will consider employment the same as being free."

"Freedom," mumbled the Lord. He closed the box. You put down your brush and smiled to the kind painter thankfully, walking to a balcony with Will and Lord Beckett. "Jack Sparrow is a dying breed."

You heard a man shout orders to the soldiers.

"The world is shrinking," he continued. "The blank edges of the map filled in. Jack must find his place in the New World or perish. Not unlike you, Mr Turner. You and your fiancée face the hangman's noose." He turned to you. "As do you Miss Norri- I mean Adney."

It took all your willpower not to slap him.

"Don't tell me you were jealous," you said coldly. He quickly turned to Will and ignored your question.

"So you get both Jack and the Black Pearl," said Will.

"The Black Pearl?" said an amused Lord.

"Hardly," you intervened.

"The item in question is considerably smaller and far more valuable," said the Lord.

"It's something Jack keeps on him at all times," you said. "His compass."

"Ah, you know it," said Lord Beckett. He leaned towards Will. "Bring back that compass or there's no deal." He walked away.

"What do we do?" you whispered to Will.

"What we must," he replied.

_ _ _

You and Will walked through the gallows with an angry Governor trailing behind.

"Here, now you can't be here." You continued walking, not caring.

"I think you'll find they can," said the Governor.

"Mr. Swann," said the guard.

"Governor Swann, still" he replied, obviously offended, and you turned to them. "Do you think I wear this wig to keep my head warm?"

You turned to Elizabeth.

"Jack's compass? What does he want with that?" she was saying.

"Does it matter?" said Will. "I'm to find Jack and convince him to return to Port Royal. In exchange, the charges against us will be dropped."

"No, we must find our own avenue to secure your freedom," insisted the Governor.

"There is but one and we are currently in it," you replied. Will faced him.

"Is that a lack in Jack or in us?" he asked

"That you would risk your life for Sparrows does not mean he would do the same for anyone else," remarked the Governor.

You pondered on that. It was true. But you were not just anyone. Still, perhaps, you would have to end up taking that compass at the point of a sword.

"Now, where is that dog with the keys?" the Governor walked away whistling. Elizabeth and Will were having a moment so you decided to join the Governor. You returned to hear:

"If it weren't for these bars, I'd have you already." You nearly tripped and the Governor knocked off a candle. He crossed his arms.

They whispered one last thing to each other and you walked out with Will.

"Tortuga?" you asked teasingly.

"Tortuga." he smiled down at you. You took his hand and you were off. 

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