34: Horizon

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You landed safely in the water and were picked up by the Pearl. Jack was moody and shouted orders against Barbossa's wishes. Jack probably expected Beckett to honor their agreement but you knew he wouldn't.

Then the flying dutchman emerged and you caught onto his plan. Jack smiled at you and you smiled back. "Full canvas!"

"I can feel Becketts fear from here," you whispered to Jack. He gave you a wicked smile.

The cannons were fired. You smiled in pleasure as you could imagine Beckett standing there, not knowing what to do. "It's just good business," you whispered. The ship, the Endeavour, was completely destroyed. The armada started turning away.

"Good job, captain," you said, nudging Jack.

"Thank you, your majesty," he replied and took your hand.

It was time for Elizabeth to go. She said her goodbyes, stopping at Jack and she said, "Jack, it would never have worked out between us."

You laughed. It seemed like so far ago when Jack had said that to Elizabeth in Port Royal. Jack smiled and said, "Keep telling yourself that, darling."

 She went to kiss him but he stopped her and said, "Once was quite enough. Besides..." he hesitated and said nothing. Elizabeth nodded. She knew something you didn't.

Off she went. Her one day with will for the next ten years. 

_ _ _

You informed your first mate that he would be captain. You felt guilty for taking the title based on a lie and he could care for the ship and the crew better than you could. You didn't know the culture as well. You just didn't deserve it. Being king was enough for you.

You had come to terms with James' death. You missed him, dearly, but decided to live your best life. You didn't want to repress your grief but you also didn't want to indulge in it.

You found yourself in tortuga once more with the Pearl and her crew. You were drinking with Jack and asked him, "What now, Jack? Off to find Scarlett and Giselle again?"

He laughed. "No. I'm afraid they'll have to miss me."

You tilted your head and asked half sarcastically, "Whyever would you leave such lovely ladies?"

Jack took out his compass. "Do you remember, last time we were here, the compass had stopped spinning." You nodded. "It had pointed to something in the room and it's still pointing there." He opened the compass and showed you. The compass pointed to you.

"You won't have me," you said. "You'll get bored. You know that Jack."

"I should know that but for now I'll pretend I don't." You took his hand."We'll see." He kissed you.

You laughed but then noticed the crew walking out. You tapped Jack and he noticed too. You followed them onto the Pearl. "I don't believe a ship should sail without its captain," you said to the crew.

They all turned to you. "It's captain is right here." You turned to face Barbossa. You laughed and looked at Jack.

You didn't feel bad as you tied Barbossa up and left him in tortuga. You sailed away with Jack. He had offered you to be captain but you opted to be his first mate. Jack deserved his ship and you just wanted to support him.

You looked out into the horizon with Jack next to you. You laid your head on his shoulder, took out Davy Jones' locket and whispered, "Drink up me hearties yo-ho."

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