5: Tortuga

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You arrived at Tortuga and whispered to Will, "five shillings says he'll get slapped."

Will smiled, taking your bet but not before saying, "ten says he'll get slapped twice."

You smiled and shook on it. Jack was saying something about how everyone felt wanted in Tortuga when a woman came up to Jack.

"Scarlett!" He said before she slapped him. "Not sure I deserved that."

Will was about to give you five shillings when another woman, Giselle, came up and said "who was she?" and slapped him.

You groaned and handed the money over as Jack whispered "I may have deserved that one."

You soon found Mr.Gibbs sleeping with the pigs and then Jack threw a bucket of water at him. Mr. Gibbs yelled something you didn't quite catch before focusing on Jack and saying: "Mother's love, Jack. Don't you know better than to wake a man when he's sleeping? It's bad luck."

"Fortunately I know how to counter it. The man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink, and the man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking," he replied.

Mr. Gibbs looked confused. "He'll buy you rum," you clarified.

"Aye, that'll better do it," he said, standing up. You looked at Will and he gave an evil grin before splashing his bucket of water on the poor man. "Blast! I'm already awake!"

"That was for the smell," replied Will

"And you could use another," you added, laughing.

You all walked inside, utter chaos in there, but you didn't mind. Jack sat down with Mr. Gibbs, and told you and Will to keep a sharp eye. You ignored him and made yourself comfortable next to Jack. He looked at you and you motioned to Mr. Gibbs, "go on."

He did go on and said, "I'm going after the pearl."

Mr Gibbs choked on his drink. This was probably going to take a while so you stole Jack's drink.

"I know where it's going to be," he continued, "and I'm going to take it." he tilted his head.

Mr. Gibbs shook his head. "Jack, it's a fool's errand, you know better than me the tales of the Black Pearl."

"That's why I know what Barbossa is up to. All I need is a crew."

"From what I can tell of Captain Barbossa he's not a man to suffer fools nor strike a bargain with them," you intervened, Mr.Gibbs nodding at my words.

"Well then it's very good that I'm not a fool then, aye?" Jack replied

"I wouldn't be so sure," you said but shut up when Jack put his hand on your thigh and gently squeezed it.

"Well, prove me wrong," challenged Mr. Gibbs. "What makes you think Barbossa would give up his ship to you?"

"Let's just say it's a matter of leverage." Jack nodded to Will. Jack didn't notice that caught Will's attention and he was going to step closer but you shook your head and mouthed not yet. "That there is William Turner's only child, savvy?"

Mr. Gibbs seemed to realize what you were now realizing. Everyone knew the stories. Will was the only one who could give everything back to Barbossa's crew. "I think I feel a change in the winds," he said.

They gave each other a knowing look, Jack took his drink back, sadly, and said "Take what you can,"

"Give nothing back," finished Mr.Gibbs

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