4: Sparrow

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Will was telling Jack about another sad story of his, he was such an emotional person.

"Is that so?" Jack was anything but interested in anything about Wills story.

"My father, Bill Turner, at the jail it was only after you learned my fathers name that you decided to help. Since that's what I wanted, I didn't press the matter."

"Pity," you said under your breath.

"I'm not a simpleton Jack!"

"Maybe you are,"you said, aloud this time.

"You've got a point there," replied Jack, to which you smiled.

"The point is," Will looked at me with a 'shut up' look and then back at Jack, "you knew my father."

Jack took a moment before saying, "I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as William Turner. Everyone else just called him Bootstrap or Bootstrap Bill."


"I like it," you said. You should not have said that. Will was getting angry.

"Good man, good pirate," continued Jack, "I swear, you look just like him."

Will looked at you, "It's not true." His eyes pleaded for reassurance. "He was a merchant sailor," he turned to Jack, "a good respectable man who obeyed the law."

"He was a bloody pirate, a scallywag."

"My father," Will took out his sword, " was not a pirate."

You were going to pull out one you had found when Jack grabbed your wrist to stop you and said to Will "Put it away son. It isn't worth you getting beat again."

"You didn't beat me," countered Will. "You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight I would kill you."

"Well that's not much incentive for him to fight fairly is it?" you argued, Jack led you to his front facing Will and laid his chin on your shoulder. He then whispered into your ear:

"You're obviously the clever one."

Before you could answer Jack spun the wheel and Will suddenly found himself in a tricky situation. You instinctively moved to help him but Jack put his arm around your waist to stop you. You slapped him away -he let out a little whine- and you sat down to watch.

"Now as long as you're just hanging there, pay attention," Jack pointed the sword at Will. "The only rules that really matter are what a man-"

"Or woman," you added

"Yes, love. What a man, or woman, can do and what they can't do. You can accept that you father was good man and a pirate or you can't but pirate is in your blood so you'll have to square with that some day"

You caught on to what he was saying so you explained to Will "So you see him," you motioned to Jack, "he could just let you drown," you smiled and held back a laugh, "but he can't bring this ship into tortuga all by himself."

"Savvy?" concluded Jack holding out his hand to you, which you took. "So," he brought Will back onto the ship, "can you sail under the command of a pirate," he pulled my next to him and wrapped his hand around your waist again, this time you let him.

"Or can you not?" you asked, offering him the sword that he took.

"Tortuga?" he asked

"Tortuga," you and Jack said at the same time.

Will shoved Jack away, grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him. You looked back at Jack and he winked at you. 

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