13: Dishonest

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Jack was looking through the treasure with you when Barbossa said, "I must admit, Jack, I thought I had you figured, but it turns out you're a hard man to predict."

"Me? I'm dishonest," replied Jack. "And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest. Honestly,"

"It's the honest ones you want to watch out for," you continued.

"Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid." Jack took a pirates sword and you did the same.

You fought one pirate and then switched with Jack,who then switched to Will, and back to you. You were skilled, Will had been teaching you, and you took over one Jack was fighting so he could go after Barbossa.

It was not an easy task to constantly clash swords with a pirate who never tired nor backed up. The pirates growled and you stabbed to no avail. You looked up to see Jack stumble back into the moonlight. You smiled. He was far more clever than you'd admit.

You continued fighting. Side by side with Will. You heard an explosion. A pirate walked up to Will and said "I'm gonna teach the meaning of pain."

"You like pain?" Elizabeth! "Try wearing a corset." You laughed "Who's side is Jack on?"

"At the moment?" you said, still laughing. With Elizabeth fighting it became much easier. Elizabeth was clever as well.

Jack tossed the coin to Will and Barbossa pointed his gun at Elizabeth. You stopped dead in your tracks. A gunshot.

Jack shot Barbossa as Will dropped the coin with his blood. Barbossa stumbled back. "I feel.. Cold."

And like that he was dead. Jack was released of a ten year burden. You were released from a trap. Will was released from death. Elizabeth was released from a heartache.

You looked around the treasure with Jack again. You laughed and put a crown over his head and he put a bunch of necklaces around your neck. "So what now, captain?" You asked.

"I'll go wherever that compass takes me," he replied. He paused and looked at me. "What will you do? I believe your beloved Commodore is betrothed."

You tilted your head. "How did you know we-"

"He looked at you like you were his whole world." He stepped closer to you.

"Well there's nothing to do about it now." You tried to ignore your feelings.  

"What will you do when you go back to Port Royal?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Back to my normal life." He stepped even closer, leaving no room between you. "I admit it won't feel normal anymore."

"You could-"

"No I couldn't." You walked away, to where Will was having a moment with Elizabeth. You couldn't leave your life, your friends.

"Your fiance will want to know you're safe," You heard Will say. You sighed at the stupidity he just said. Elizabeth looked like she was going to cry and walked away.

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment," said Jack from behind you.

"That was it," you finished, annoyed at Will. Even if Elizabeth would marry Norrington, she deserved to know.

"Now if you'd be so kind, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship." You doubted they were there.

You rowed out and, sure enough, they weren't there. "Sorry Jack."

"They've done what's right by them," he replied quietly. 

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