29: Come With Me

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You were taken to the brig with your crew. "Don't be too hard on him," you whispered. "You weren't there with him, you don't know how much he cared for your father while you were away. Lizzie... we only had each other. Me, your father, and James."

She wouldn't show emotion. "I just need some time, that's all." You nodded.

Once you were all caged up, Elizabeth started asking for Will's father. "He's here?" she nodded. "Bill turner?"

"You know my name?" a man in the back who seemed to be stuck to the wall emerged. "Y/N... where? Where's Will? He's alive?" You nodded. "Did he send you to tell you he was coming to get me?"

Bill was not letting you process that your former father figure was right in front of you. "He's alive, yes. He's trying to come get you. This is Elizabeth."

He seemed to shut down. "He can't come. Because of you. Elizabeth, if he slays Jones he'll take his place. He will be captain forever. He will lose you. He won't pick me."

You watched him retreat to the wall. You touched his hand. "Bill.."

"You know my name." He had already forgotten everything you said. This man had been your caregiver, now you watch him forget you. It broke your heart. You could feel an empty hole in its place.

Later on James opened the door. "Come with me." You didn't move. "Quickly."

We all walked out. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"Choosing a side." You smiled.

The crew made its way around the ship, onto the lines and into the night. You walked up to James and he said, "Don't go to the brethren court. Beckett knows about it. I fear there may be a traitor among them."

Jack. You decided to keep this to yourself. Elizabeth walked up to him and told him, "It's too late to earn my forgiveness."

"I didn't know about your father. But that does not absolve me of my other sins." You took his hand.

"Come with us," you said. "Mr. Mercer can't cover for me forever. Beckett will be suspicious. Come with me."

"Who goes there?" Bill was above you.

"Go, I will follow," said James. Elizabeth nodded and headed away.

"You're lying," You said.

"Y/N, I love you." He kissed you.

"James, I can't leave you here."

"We've had this conversation before."

"Then we'll have it again," you whispered. Time to go. "I'll see you on the other side of the war. I love you." You kissed him.

He smiled. You wrapped yourself around the rope and started heading away. You looked back and saw Bill giving him a hard time. You sighed and started crawling back up. You made eye contact with James. No.

He shot off the lines and you fell into the water. You looked up, trying to keep afloat.

It couldn't be. You... watched Bill kill James. You watched Will's father kill your husband. You watched that murderer kill your best friend with a sword. James fell back, dead.

You wanted to yell but couldn't find your voice. You cried out silently and called for him without saying a word.

Elizabeth swam to you. "Y/N we have to go."

You nodded, snapping into your senses.

You made it onto the ship and locked yourself in a room after giving orders. Elizabeth. Tried to coax you out but you had to do this. You'd done this whenever you felt immense pain. You would lock yourself up and cry, just cry it out and, after that, whatever pain you had was numbed and you were over it.

You were in there for a while and when you were done you walked out. "To the Brethren court."

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