9: Daft

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Will and Elizabeth were being lovey dovey so you gave them their space. You talked to Anna Maria for a bit and then you looked out and into the sky, slowly lowering your gaze, feeling the wind in your hair. Then you focused on something.  A ship. The ship. The Black Pearl. Goddamit.

"She's gaining on us!" You yelled to the crew. Anna Maria was struggling with the wheel and you rushed to help the others. Elizabeth looked out over the edge and returned to us.

"This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean!" she exclaimed. Obviously not.

"You can tell them that after they've caught us." You didn't mean for it to come out as harshly as it did, but you couldn't control it either.

"We're shallow on the draft right?" Elizabeth turned to Anna Maria.


"Well then can't we lose them on those over there?" she pointed. Clever.

"We don't have to outrun them long, just long enough." It clicked inside you and you felt a twinge of hope.

"Anything we can afford to lose, see that it's lost!" called out Mr.Gibbs

You ran around like a lunatic, which you probably are, trying to make yourself useful. Boxes and boxes were thrown overboard, you were sweating. But useless Will wasn't doing anything, he looked out at the ship as if that was going to make us go any faster or them any slower. I was going to throw out a cannon but Will stopped you. "We're going to need that."

You looked out and sure enough, Will was right. We had to fight. "It was a good plan," you said.

"Until now." You nodded at Anna Maria.

"We have to make a stand," said Will. "We must fight. Load the guns."

"With what?" We had thrown everything overboard.

"Anything, everything. Anything we have left."

We all looked at each other and Mr. Gibbs nodded. "Load the guns!"

Will took my hand and we both started filling the cannons with anything we could find. Utensils and bottles alike were shoved into the cannons.

"The pearl is going to luff up on our port quarter. She'll rake us without presenting a target."

"Then lower the anchor on the right side," you suggested. "On the starboard side!"

"It certainly has the element of surprise," said Will. Mr.Gibbs thought about it but Anna Maria hissed out:

"You're daft. You both are."

"Daft like Jack," replied Mr. Gibbs and you smiled. "Lower the starboard anchor. Do it you Gobs or its you we'll load into the cannons!"

You laughed and they rushed to do so and once the anchor caught Anna Maria let go of the wheel. You held on tightly to a pole near Will as the ship turned sharply. You almost let go but Will held on to you.

"Keep her steady man," said Will. The ships were now right next to each other and you yelled at the Pearl's crew defiantly along with the rest of your crew. You pulled out your sword and heard Will shout, "Now!"


"Fire all!"

One cannon after another blasted at the opposing ship. Holes were made and pirates thrown overboard. Chaos, utter chaos. You were running towards Will when you heard the faintest "Stop blowing holes in my ship!" and lost it. Will shook his head at you but started laughing as well. You got up and tried to regain focus of the very real situation before you.

Blast after blast. Spoons and forks. Man jumping about. Some random person swinging along and being lost in the world of smoke around you.

You took a gun and started shooting away, you had surprisingly good aim. Mr. Gibbs came up behind and said, "We could use more ideas, lass."

You turned to him with the sassiest look you could manage. "I believe it's your turn," you said, frustrated.

"We need us a devil's dowry."

"Well we could give them her," said Anna Marie motioning to Elizabeth.

"They don't want her," you said, tapping Will's shoulder frantically.

"The Medallion!" He ran down the stairs to the lower deck and you were right behind him when you were needed to tie a rope. Then a cannon hit their mark causing major damage. The Pearl's crew connected the two ships and swung over

You were going to shoot them but remembered that they couldn't die. Well isn't that fantastic. Then you caught sight of Jack, you mean, he landed right next to you. "Jack!" you smiled guiltily.

He smiled back but focused on Mr. Gibbs, returned his bottle and disapprovingly said, "Bloody empty."

You couldn't help but laugh. You fought side by side with Jack. At one point he stopped a pirate's sword and said, "That's not very nice."

"Let's punish him," you said with an evil grin. You knocked him overboard.

Jack ran over to Elizabeth and asked her, "Where's the medallion?"

"Wretch!" she said in return.

He caught her wrist, saw her bandage and said, "Ah, where is dear William?"

"Will." Oh no. You and Elizabeth ran to the trap door and frantically tried to open it and get him out. You looked up for a second and saw what Jack saw. The stupid monkey had gotten the medallion. "Jack, go get it!"

Jack ran away, leaving you and Elizabeth with the task of getting him out. To no avail. Then something picked you up from behind and you couldn't get out of they're grasp. "No, Will!" yelled Elizabeth.

You struggled against your captors but couldn't get out of their tight hold on you. You heard the Pearl erupt in cheers over their victory. Will is running out of air. You were forced onto the pearl as she moved away from the wreckage of the once beautiful Interceptor. 

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