18: Distance

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As soon as you reached the deck Mr. Gibbs walked over and said, "Let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea."

"Nice to see you too," you said

"Pardon me," he replied and you nodded.

"Yes to the first, yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows so much as possible," intervened Jack.

"That seems a bit contradictory, captain." Mr. Gibbs tilted his head.

That's when Will hugged you from behind. You turned and hugged him back. "My god, you're safe."

"I am and so are you," he replied. He let go of you and turned his attention to Jack. "Jack. Elizabeth is in danger."

"Have you considered just locking her up somewhere?" said Jack.

"Only in theory," you replied sarcastically. Will, however, was in no teasing mood.

"She is locked up in a prison, bound to hang for helping you."

"There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes."

Will took out a sword and held it to Jack's neck. Seems familiar. "We need that compass of yours, Jack."

"We have to trade for her freedom," you added.

Jack moved away from the sword and said, "Mr. Gibbs."

"Captain," he replied.

"We have a need to travel upriver."

"By need do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in say, a passing fancy?"

"No, a resolute and unyielding need." Jack walked away and Will started again.

"What we need to do is sail for Port Royal with all haste."

"William," said Jack. "I shall trade you the compass if you will help me find this." Jack took out a cloth with the picture of a key on it.

"A little vague on the details," you said.

"You want us to find this?" asked Will

"No. You want you to find this," began Jack. "because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle ol' what's-her-face. Savvy?"

"This is going to save Elizabeth?" asked Will. Pretty much ignoring Jack's previous tongue twister.

"How much do you know about Davy Jones?" replied Jack.

Will paused. "Not much."

"Yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth," was Jack's final answer to Will. Will walked away but you wanted to know. Why would he care for the key?

You took the hand with cloth wrapped around it and swiftly unwrapped it, revealing a black spot. "Wow, you really are in trouble, huh."

You knew about Davy Jones. That key was the key to the chest containing his heart. Now it was clear why Jack wanted it. The kraken was after him. Now it also made sense why he wanted to stay in the shallows.

"Now, love, don't-

"I won't." You looked up at him. "Why?"

"Not here." He led me to the captains quarters. He closed the door behind him and slowly turned around.

"Why?" You repeated.

"I used to work for the East India Trading company," he began, his voice low and slow. "I captained the Wicked Wench. I transported lots of cargo and one day was told to transport 100 people, slaves. People aren't cargo. I refused and therefore was branded a pirate."

You walked up to him, took his right wrist and pulled up the sleeve slowly. Your hands gently traced over the 'p'. "Continue," you whispered.

"My ship was burned and it was to take me down with it. Then Davy Jones offered me a deal, I would be captain of the Wicked Wench for 13 years and then he would collect me." He took his free hand and touched your hair. "He would make it the fastest ship after his and it would retain its burned hue as well. I accepted, renamed it the Black Pearl and here we are."

"13 years later," you said quietly. He nodded. He stood there for a little while, looking down at you intently. He looked almost sober. He leaned in and kissed you, putting his left arm around your waist and his right hand behind your head to pull you closer. You put your hands on his chest.

He started stepping forward, pushing you towards a wall and pinning you there. His tongue entered your mouth and he pulled your shirt up. His hands slowly moved up.

This felt all too familiar but you didn't know why. As far as you knew, nothing had ever happened between you and Jack.

Jack helped you wrap your legs around his waist. You didn't know you did, but you began grinding and you let out a soft moan. You reached down to his hardening cock and began teasing it through his clothes. He groaned and stopped to unbuckled his pants.

Then you heard a knock at the door and quickly pushed him away and pretended to be reading a map. Jack did the same. Will walked in.

"Y/N, I've been looking for you. I need to ask you something," he said, unaware of what had been happening.

"Sure, excuse us Jack." He nodded and you walked out, brushing you hand against his for a moment.

"Do you think we should help him look for it or just take the compass and run?" He asked, once outside.

You were still a little rattled so you didn't know what to say. "Um," you scratched your head, "just go along with it. The Governor would make sure she's okay for now."

He nodded, still unsure, and you both walked away. I need to get my act together.

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