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frankiecohen: the guy who took this picture on my disposable took 6 pictures so now i have 6 pictures of tom holland on my disposable

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frankiecohen: the guy who took this picture on my disposable took 6 pictures so now i have 6 pictures of tom holland on my disposable...... i'm thinking ebay?

tagged: harperadler tomholland2013


username: severe bi panic occuring atm

tomholland2013: just letting everyone know that frances does in fact like hugs

frankiecohen: tomholland2013 you scoundrel die

harperadler: when she posts the one you tell her will result in her murder in a pot of burning hot cheese if she posts it

frankiecohen: harperadler i literally hate you you're hot

tomholland2013: harperadler obviously i agree with this statement


username: just patiently waiting for ruffalo to confirm that they're dating markruffalo

markruffalo: i will be silent forever

markruffalo: #tarper

chrisevans: harperadler frankie is smiling here did you put coke in her coffee or sumn

frankiecohen: chrisevans yup just snorted a line off the barsita's stomach

chrisevans: morbid witch

imsebastianstan: i wasn't invited.....


harperadler: imsebastianstan dw we'll do a golden trio outing soon

frankiecohen: imsebastianstan harperadler no we wont i hate you guys

tomholland2013: imsebastianstan come cuddle seb i'll make u feel better

imsebastianstan: tomholland2013 i will kill you 🔪

harperadler: imsebastianstan tomholland2013 c'mon besties let's hang out together

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