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tom (penis parker)
sebastian (war criminal)

penis parker
if you don't show up soon
the russo's are gonna beat you with
a stick

penis parker
reshoots this week man

war criminal
i am LITERALLY on my way

war criminal
my uber driver is swerving
through traffic as we speak

war criminal
also why are you texting
this number

war criminal
you know the rules penis

penis parker
the rules are i can contact you
if i am dying without being laughed at
or if daniel radcliffe is fighting j.k. rowling

war criminal
equally hoping for either
at this point

penis parker
it's about harper

war criminal
if this is about her thesis
i don't wanna hear it

war criminal
last time i asked her how it
was going she threatened me

penis parker
well that's just normal

war criminal
no she threatened to cry

war criminal
i've only seen her cry three

war criminal
i've seen her throw burning
cups of hot coffee at people more

penis parker
okay slightly less normal

penis parker
but i have thesis time under control
i'm bringing her a dozen donuts everyday
along with old civil war documentaries
for her to de-stress

war criminal
blood guts and gore really do
do wonders on that girl

penis parker
that's not my main issue

war criminal
did she find out u peed the bed
at 17

war criminal
bc it was only a matter of time before
she found out

penis parker
are you admitting to telling her that

war criminal
i want a lawyer actually

penis parker
okay well that's not it either

penis parker
i dm'ed michael last week
after he commented on harp's post

war criminal

war criminal
what the fuck did u say

war criminal
and what the fuck did HE say

penis parker
i told him to leave her the fuck alone

penis parker
and then he stared taking about how she's
manipulative and how if i lose feelings for her
that she'll go crazy

penis parker
i don't think i've ever been that angry

war criminal
he talked about her like that?

war criminal
he's fucking nuts

war criminal
she's the farthest thing from
manipulative, tom

penis parker
i know that i do

war criminal
she cares more than most people

war criminal
and even if the way she shows it is
weird she loves unconditionally

penis parker
for a split second i found myself
being wary until she ran up to me
and pecked me on the cheek

penis parker
and then i just felt sick

war criminal
that's normal tom

war criminal
michael is the type of person
to warp the truth

penis parker
what if he tries to contact her?
or hurt her again?

penis parker
i can't let that happen

penis parker
she deserves everything fucking good in this
world and i want to do is give it to her

war criminal
i wanna be funny and tell you
how fucking whipped you are

war criminal
but you really are in love
with her aren't you

penis parker
how could i not be

penis parker
almost two years of knowing one another
and two months of dating and she's
the most incredible thing to ever happen to me

war criminal
you're spiderman

penis parker
like i said

penis parker
the best thing to
ever happen to me

penis parker
i think it's time
we do something
to solve this shit

war criminal
what do you have in mind?

penis parker
i'll fill you in once you're here


"los angeles police department,
how can i direct your call?"

"i'm calling to discuss a dismissed case
regarding the domestic abuse of a harper adler."


developments,,,,, i've been planning this forever

i know a lot of people have lost interest in this story, which really does suck, but for those of you that continue to read, thank you. thank you for sticking with harper and i

i love writing this and tom and harpers relationship is so amazing to me, i hope you enjoy moving forward.

i love you all <33

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