Chapter @@

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Merry Christmas my lovelies!! Vote like crazy. :D


A loud cry broke the silence. I bolted awake, looking for the cause of the screeching. To my right, Brandon was leaning over Julia's crib, cursing.

He met my gaze, his face in panic mode.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned, sleep still thick in my voice.

He sighed and picked up the still crying child. "I dropped my phone."

"On her?!"

He ducked unis head with a shameful smile. "Yes?"

I shook mine, threw my legs over the side of the bed and hoisted myself up to go and assist Brandon.

I carefully scooped the pink bundle in my arms, silencing her almost immediately. Brandon walked to the other side of the room, leaving me to holding the now calm child. Slowly, I started rocking back and forth. As I did so, her face grew brighter, almost as if she were smiling. I smiled down at her.

My heart grew heavy. She would never know her parents. I looked at her, saddened by her situation, even though it wasent her fault. A few moments later Brandon once again returned, only this time he was behind me. He wrapped hhis arms around my waist, following through to his neices tiny body.

Slowly, he matched my pace, rocking back and forth as well. We stayed there for quite awhile before she oonce again fell asleep.

I carefully placed her back in her crib, and followed brandon out of the room. Together we made our way down the winding staircase, down to the main level. Once we arrived, the smell of freshly cooked bacon met my nostrils, immediatly sending my stomach into a frenzy. As if brandon heard my stomach, he grimed at me.

"Good morning!" Leah chirped.

I yawned, "morning."

She sent me a pitying smile, "little one wake you up?"

"Yes," I said, sending a glare in brandons direction. "This dipshit over here dropped his phone ohln hher!"

She raised a deliacte eyebrow, "how?"

He just shrugged, while my palm connected with my face.

"You think your days bad now? Just wait till you see what ibhave in store later. It'll cheer you up for sure." He said confidently.


Tuns out, he wasn't kidding. As I stood in front of the very exuberant dress shop, my single skinny jeans and tee shirt seemed very basic.

"Stop gawking, jeez." Brandon said dramaticly, while grabbing my hand and pulling me into the high fashion store. As he tanked me, I stumped forward. The young man at the couter looked up from his magazine to see what caused the commotion.

"Can I help you?" He said lazily. The young man sitting Behind the counter wasn't ugly in the least. With his sandy Blondel hair that hung over his forehead, slightly covering his eyes. And his vivid hazle eyes, which heald an amusing shine.

"Yes," Brandon said professionally, as if yanking me into the store never happened. He gripped my hand tighter when I tried letting go. "Were looking for an aalegant black dress."

At the sound of this, the young man stood up "I think ive got a couple in stock." He jumped off his chair, dropping his magazine and walked lazly into the back. Left on his desk was a nametag reading "Kevin"

He walked back into the vast room with 4 large bag slung over his shoulder. "The fitting room is tthe first door on your left." He said polity.

Brandon looked over at me and smiled. "Lets go try them on." He said, guiding me to the fitting rooms. He took the gowns from Kevin and walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2012 ⏰

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