chapter 6

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Hello again! Chappy 6 for ya. And sorry for its poor condition, I did have it written out. But then my kindle erased it. So I had to spend another two hours rewriting it. Uh

Anyways! Song of the chapter: move along by all American rejects.

Aim: 3 votes and 2 comments. I'll knock it back and hopefully you guys can make it (: PLEASE!!!

Thank you bunches!!!!



The first ting I notice as I enter is the art. There are pictures, paintings, abstract work, sculptures, everything you could think of.

"Claire! Oh my God I missed you so much!" My aunt screamed, the tackled me wih a hug. I know for most people it would be pretty weird to have an aunt that says stuff like Omg. But my aunts only 26. So like, only 11 years difference.

And she doesn't even look like shes that much older than me. She could pass for 19 with her paerfect skin. Her wavy brown hair flows midway down her slim back. Shes fairly tall as well.

"I missed you so much!" I couldn't help but to squeeze her back. I missed them a ton too.

She stepped back and looked my over. THen frowned.

"Where'd my Claire go?" I smiled, "I'm still here, Melissa."

She smiled so hard I thought her face would crack, "you look amazing." She said breathlessly, while walking around me in circles looking me over. I was starting to feel more self consious under her stares.

"Honey, show her to her room already. Shes looking uncomfortable." My uncle said. Thank God, hes a life saver.

"Thanks uncle William." I called over my shoulder. My aunt stopped on front of a plain wooden door.

"Here's your room. Its not been painted or anything yet, we were figuring that you would want to pick it out."

"Thanks" I mumbled as I tossed My stuff down onto the floor.

Aunt Melissa was right. It was pretty plain in here. A full size bed, and a dresser. That was it. It had cream colored walls too.

"If your not too tired, tomorrow we can go and pick out some paint and stuff to decorate your room." She suggested. I smiled half-heartedly. I rarely left h@me anymore. But now I guess I could without and fear of anyone I know seeing me.

"That sounds great." She smiled then walked out.

I yawned. I guess I was really tired. Now that I thought about it, I hadn't slept since the coma. And I don't know if you can really call that sleep.

I don't know how long I lied there trying to go to sleep. But sleep never came.

"Claire? Are you up sweetie?" My aunt called from outside the door.

"Yeah I'm up."

She walked in, "are you hungry?"

Right at that time my stomach growled. My face flooded red. I gave her a sheepish grin. "Yeah, I haven't eaten in a long time actually."

She smiled then waved her hand towards he kitchen. "Then come feast with me my dear!" She said, talking like a ringmaster.

"Step right up to my famous kitchen!" She said gesturing her hand towards the kitchen area. It had a small stove, 4 burners, a refrigerator, and some cabnet tops. But no microwave. Hmm. That's odd.

She pushed my shoulders over to a small bar-looking- cabnet top place that overlooked the kitchen and slid out a stool. She lightly pushed my onto it, and ran into the kitchen.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw 9 new messages. Wow, I seem pretty popular to day, ha! All nine of them from nick,

One saying

'text me back (:'

another saying

'are you off the plane?'

The next,

'Claire, text me when you get this'


'did your plane crash?!?'


'your flight was supposed to land an hour ago, where are you?!?'

Omg, do they not end?!?'

'I stalked your flight, and you plane landed an hour and a half ago, so where are you?'

Oh God,

'Did you get kiddnapped?!?'


'If you don't text me in half an hour I'm calling your uncle.'

Ha! Like he'd ever do that.

'I'm calling him just to make sure your ok.'

That was revived 1 minute ago. My uncle walks out of his room with his brows furrowed.

"Nicholas, shes right here. And where are you getting the ideas that he plane crashed, and that she was kiddnapped?!?"

He looked at me and motioned for me to come over to him. He handed me his phone.

"Yes?" I said into the receiver.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" Nicholas screamed into the phone. I yanked it away from my ear.

"I have been here with Melissa and William, what about you?" I said casually.

"Don't play games with me Claire, why haven't you been talking me. I thought something happened to you!" His voice was filled with worry and irritation.

"Sorry nick, when we got off the plane me and serenity were walking around the airport, then I got home. Then layed down for a little while. And now I'm eating."

He sighed. "You do realises its like, 4 in the afternoon, why are you eating?"

"One, I'm starving and haven't eaten since Ivor out of the hospital. And two there's a time difference here, so its actually one."

"YOU WERE IN THE HOSPITAL!!!" this boy really needs to chill out.

"Yes nick, I was. And I was in a coma for two days due to blood loss." Well that shut him up. Finally.

"Y-you...w-why....w-what??" He stammered. I could only imagine he look of shock on his face.

"Nick, I cut my arm a lot. Passed out. Lost too much blood. And fell into a coma for two days. But I'm fine now."

Kinda. I thought to myself.

"Claire," he sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

I giggled. "Love me, feed me, never leave me?" I guessed hopefully.

"I guess." I could hear that he was relaxing. I mean, who wouldn't be?

"Claire dear, lunch is ready." Melissa called from the kitchen.

"Nick, I gotta go eat cause I'm starving. So I'll talk to ya layer."

"Love you, bye!"

"Love you too!"

Both William and Melissa raised an eyebrow. "What?" Melissa smirked. "Was that your 'boyfriend'"

I threw my hands into the air exasperated. "Why does everyone assume were dating?"

William spoke up. "Well maybe due to the fact you say 'I love you'd to each other."

"Yes, we di love each other. I moved across the country, so we have to stay in contact. He is my best friend on this planet. And so yes, we do love each other. But only as friends." I stated.

"Sorry." They.both mumbled.

I went on to eating my sandwich. That's better. I thought.


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