Chapter 10

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Uo! 10 chapters! And as of today, April 28, 2012 I have 157 reads, 12 votes, 5 comments, and 12 fans :) and yes, I keep track of this stuff :)

Do you guys like he new cover? It took me forever just to get it uploaded on here :s

Song of the day! Dear agony by breaking Benjamin :)

Soo um? Leave me a comemnt and vote! If you leave me a comment, I'll dedacate a chapter to you :3


I slowly opened my eyes. I hardly slept at all last night. And when I did, I had horrible nightmares. Dreams of phsyco killers, axe murderer's, and rapists.

I sat up, and stretched out my sore back. A knock on the door broke the silence.

"Come in."

Liam walked through the door with his dirty, ratty, torn up jeans. And his light brown hair thrown into his usual ponytail.

"Good morning darling!" He said enthusiasticly.

I fell back into the bed making some noise sounding like 'muerr'. It was way to early for happiness, exitment, or any energy.

"Get up lazy." He cheered.

"No." I groaned.

"Come on! I made your favorite!"

I sighed.

"Fine. But I'm only doing it for the pancakes." I grumbled. I slipped on my extra large fuzzy slippers and trudged out the door.

"Claire! Come pway wif me!" Alison squealed with excitement. Hope can kids have so much energy?

"Alison, you know the rules. No play time before meals." He said in his fatherly tone. The whole 'stern father' totally didn't fit his personality. He was more of a laid back surfer kinda guy.

I slumped down into my seat at the cluttered little table and began to eat my pancakes. His pancakes are the best, no joke. Its like a million little pancake butterfly's come and kiss your tongue. Wait no, that sounds wierd-

A knock at the door inturupted my thoughts.

"Claire, can you go get that?" Liam called from someewhere in the kitchen.

"Whatever." I grumbled. I slowly made my way over to the door, dragging my clown-sized feet with me.

When I opened the door, there stood Brandon. He rolled his eyes over my appearance, oversized-worn out, hoodie. Rolled up grey sweatpants, my hair tied up in a loose, messy bun. And of course, my clown slipper boots.

When he finished eye-raping me, his green eyes met mine. Unlike what I'm sure mine looked like, his were sparkling with excitement and happiness.

"Well don't you look dazzling." He said with a smirk. I dropped my gaze to the floor.

"Shut up." I muttered, just loud enough that he could hear.

"Awe, you know I'm just picking with you." He said, while pinching my cheeks. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I hated it when people pinched my cheeks. They still resembled my chubby state.

I peaked up at Brandon to see him still smirking at me. "Wh-"

I started, before I was interrupted by my uncle greeting Brandon. "Why dont you join us for breakfast, Brandon?" My uncle asked while setting a plate in front of him.

I lean over and whisper to Brandon, "I don't think its an option." I pull back with a small smile. He chuckles in return.

"We need milk!" Liam exclaims, running out of the kitchen with a spoon in his hand.

I give him a puzzled expression. "Liam, what-? Spoon-? What the-?" I tilt my head sideways. I don't have a first clue what goes on inside his head.

"Well I gotta run to the stoker and get some milk. You know you cant have pancakes with out milk."

"But-" I start before cut off again.

"Do you guys mind watching Allison, for like, 20 minutes while I'm gone?" He says while twirling his car keys on the end of his finger, still holding the spoon.

"I don't care." I said, giving him a spectical look. I honestly do t know what goes through his head...

"Ok thanks! I'll be back!" He starts walking towards the door but stoppes and looms back at me. "Oh, here's the spoon." He tossed it over to me and I caught it in mid air. Impressive. I have horrible hand eye coordinating.

From the corner of my eye I saw Brandon looking at me. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "So umm....Allison, you finish breakfast while I clean it up. Brandon," I fixed my gaze on him. "You can just take a seat on the couch."

He nodded mutely and trudged over to the couch. As I started walking to the kitchen, I heard the Skype ringtone go off. Brandon looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow. I returned it with a sheepish grin.

This time I was smart enough to check the caller I.d. and guess who? Yes. The one and only, Aiden Parker.

Should I answer it? No. Both Brandon and Allison are here. But, I should because he'd get mad if I didn't. Wait why do I care if he's mad? Oh wait. Since I knew he was after me!

'Come on Claire! Grow some balls and answer it! Its not like he can do anything to you over video chat!' The voice in my head chanted.

Before I could change my mind, I hit answer.

"Good morning Claire!" He chirpped mischievously. Any normal person would assume his smirk would mean he's happy. But I know him better than that. That smile shows he's hiding something. Probably something important

"You know," he started, dragging out his words. "Its rude to ignore your guests."

I swallowed hard. "Guests? What guests? I don't have any-"

He held up his hand. "Save it. I know you have over," he flicked his jet black hair away tron his face, revealing his electrifing blue eyes. "Company."

"I-i....ugh....see...." I studdered my incoherent reply.

"Right. Back to the point. I-" he started before shifting his gaze behind me.

"Found your guest. Claire."

I slowly turned my head to the direction Aiden was looking.

"Who's that Claire?" Brandon asked slowly.

"Its uhh-"

"And old friend. But the better question here is who are you?" Aiden said, narrowing his eyes in Brandon's diraction.

"Hes my-"

"Boyfriend." Brandon cut in, wrapping his arm around me in a proctecive manner. I looked up at him in both awe and shock. The awe for having enough balls to say I'm his girlfriend. And the shock for the same reason.

I dared a look at Aiden. He looked murderous. His eyes went ten shades darker, and fixed directly above me at Brandon. His jaw was clenched so tightly, that I thought he would crack his teeth. He is a very intimadating and scaryr person, but now. He looked like he would kill someone. Lutterally.

He turned and fixed his eyes on me. A devious, horrible, twisted, sick smile crept up onto his face. Behind it held all of the emotions he didn't show. Anger, jealousy, and hurt. But the only pain he'll feel, is towards his pride. Knowing that someone else has what he had.

"Boyfriend you say?"

I gulped. If only Brandon knew the world of trouble he just landed himself in.

Welcome to hell.


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I seriously cant apologize enough. Last week Monday and Tuesday I was super busy with school. Wednesday through Sunday I was in amish contry on a school trip. And this week I have spent making up all the work I missed.

I'm going to make it up to you guys by uploading more often!

♥ Mary

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