Chapter 17

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Okay, so first of all I want to apologize for not updating when I said I would. The Internet has gone out at my house, so I had to come down to the library now.

And when I checked my reads (for the first time in 3 days) I Saw I had 848 FUCKKNG READS!!!!! So I want to thank every single one of you who have read this book. Actually, I cant even thank you enough.

So this chapter is dedicated to all of my readers.

Thank you!!!!! And enjoy....btw Internet is supposed to come on in a few days, so keep ul with the votes. And I can update when its scheduled! Thanks!


My mind went blank for a few seconds, before being overloaded with new thoubts.

My breathing stopped for a few moments before turning into hyperventalaion.

My eye brimmed with tears, as my stomach twisted in uncomfortable knots.

All of the eyes in the room landed on me. My vision was growing darker.

I choccked on a dry sob, before a large hand was pressed tightly to my lips, making it very difficult to breath. I twisted my body around to look at my captour, Brandon. If I could have released air threw my mouth, I would have. But instead it made a noise representing a fart against Brandon's hand. His body vibrated against my back in silent laughter.

"Just stay quiet, then whoevers out there will go away." Brandon's hot breath said quietly in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

A few moments passed before Brandon removed his hand, now leaving the spot that his hand covered, xcold. He slowly moved over to the door aand peared out of the peep-hole.

He turned around with a puzzled look on his face. "There's no one out here Claire."

I slowly shook my head, then raises a shaky hand. "He's out there Brandon." I whispered, my voice shaky and watery.

"Shh." He moved over to where I was standing, and wrapped me in a warm hug.

"There's no one out there. I promise." His husky voice whispered., still giving me the same reaction as before. He slowly peeled off his arms, leaving my body a few degrees colder than before.

"I'm going out there." Liam spoke from somewhere behind me. His voice demanding authority. And me being as scared as I was, didn't bother to turn around to face him. When he brushed past me, heading for the door with a baseball bat in hand. I reached out my ahoy arm and placed a hand on his considerably larger one.

"Don't." I said in my quiet, watery, shakey, voice.

"I have to. Whoever this little shit is, he's about to realises who I am and what I'm capable of." He growled, his voice deep and menicing.

"Claire, your not going to live your life in fear because of him. You have enough to handle right now. And the last thing you need is some boy out here casing you around and making your life hell."

His voice was now softer, and gentler. His brown eyes had softened up considerably, and now were filled with care and worry. Almost covering up his anger.

I nodded softly. Even though I bated letting him go out there, a part of me was happy. Maybe if Aiden realises that Liam isn't a force to be reckoned with, then maybe he'll leave me alone. Just maybe.

Liam slowly opened the door, only to find it bare. Just as Brandon said. He cautiously looked around him.

"Now what does this kid look like?" Liam said, turning around.

"He has kinda long, shaggy black hair, and blue eyes. He's around 5'11-6'0 tall. And probably has on his black leather jacket and jeans." I finished with a nod of my head. If I do remember correctly, he always loves to wear a leather jacket. He said something about giving him that 'badass' look.

"Okay-" Liams baseball bat was quickly removed from his side. A dark figured loomed over him.

"Liam!" I screamed,

Melissa released a blood-curtling scream from beside me.

The baseball bat came down on his head with a sickening crack. Loans face paled before he fell limply to the floor.

I looked back up at the dark figure, and just as I predicted he was wearing a leather jacket, with his signature smirk.

" Surprise." Aiden's sickeningly smooth voice said

I gapped at the sight in front of me. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. Liam was lying motionless on he floor, and Aiden way standing above him with his baseball bat. Taylor was still on my computer moniter, staring at the sight before her in horror. Melissa was looking like she was going to faint. Brandon was...I looked around...nowhere.

A knot formed in my stomach. A lump in my throat, and my eyes burned. I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Now Claire," Aiden said, taking a large step over Liam. His eyes never leaving mine. His gaze held my in place, I couldn't move even if I wanted to.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He drawled.

I shut my eyes tightly. Maybe this is all some sick twisted dream. Maybe none of this actually happened.

THe rational part of me said that all this was really happening, and i need to open my eyes before Aiden does something.

My eyes shot open and scanned the room. Aiden was nowhere to be found.

I turned compleatly around, to see a random blonde haired boy lying motionless on ththe ground as well. Beside him lay a taser, in which k assume he was going to use on me.

A low groan came from a bedroom farther into the house. I slowly picked up the taser, wondering if I had to use it. Or if I even could? Knowing my luck, I cant.

I peered Into aallisons room. Nothing

I looked over in mmine, to see both Brandon and Aiden. In hand to hand combat.

I saw Brandon slam Aiden in tthe jaw. Aiden countered with a lower cut straight to Brandon's stomach. I winced, that had to hurt.

While brandon was down, Aiden took that to his advantage. He slammed his knee into Brandon's chest, toppeling him toto the ggrounds. He wiped off the fake dirt from hhis hands aand spun around to face me. I quickly tried to activate the taser, hoping I have a weapon to defend myself.

"See your so called hero? On the ground?" He pointed at Brandon, "that's not who you want. You need someone who can protect you. And obviously he cant. But i can."

I slowly shook my head. "No. Never. Brandon is who you wish you were. He's got a heart, and a soul. Two things in which you can never obtain." I stated boldly, with more confidence then I knew I had.

"Fine." He spat in my direction. "You might not want me now. But I can promise you will later." He said, with a smirk taking over his features. His eyes were blazed with anger and jealousy.

"I'll tell you one thing Aiden. I will NEVER want to be around you for ANY reason whatsoever." He scowled at me.

"And that, I can promise you." I said, with a smirk of my own.

"You-" he growled, before a fist came flying into the side of his head. He groaned. I took this time to my advantage. I held the taser in front of me, messing with the buttons, none of which worked.

"You don't EVER speak to any woman that way." Brandon spat, knicking him again in the jaw.

"Especially her."

Brandon stated confidently with a hard blow to Aiden's right temple. He swayed for a minute, I took this time to chuck my taser at him. It hit him in the back of the head with a crack. He toppled to the ground like a rag doll.

"Knock out." Brandon declared confidently, fist pumping the air.


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