chapter 14

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Okay, so first of all I am sooooo sorry that this is a day late. I'm not gonna go into all the details, but ive been super busy all weekend.

Anyways, hope. You enjoy the chapter. And posse keep up the votes!!! Seriously, they mean a ton. Still doing the early upload thing to! Promise I'll be on time!!!!


His moss green eyes widened, then darkened.


He abruptly stood up and started pacing around the floor.



"How?" Ie cut me off, while still pacing. My eyes followed his movements.


He stopped, squared down in front of me. He held both sides of my face and, searched it? He turned side to side, running his fingers across my skin.

I swatted at his hands, but he firmly kept them in place. He directly into my eyes.

"How could anyone harm such a beautiful girl?" He mumbled, to which I think was supposed to be to himself.

I dripped my gaze to the floor with embarresment. I'm not quite sure if it was from the off handed comment to me being beautiful, or me having to explain the fact that I had been abused ht a guy who is now stalking me and planning to do who knows what with me.

"Why did he? Did he have any reason? Was he just abusive? Bad past? Did you do anything?"

He stopped for a moment to breathe. Then looked deep into my eyes. "Why?" He breathed.

"Well yeah, he did come from an abusive dad, so that was his was of getting rid of anger. Violence. And unfortunately, I was on the reviving end of it." I said shrugging.

"But you never deserved that!" He shouted, standing up straight again.

"But in his eyes I did." I replied calmly.

"Why?!" He roared, his eyes blazed with anger.


He glared at me. "What did you do." He said slowly! In a dangerously low tone.

"In my opinion, I did nothing."

"Goddammit Claire, just fucking tell me what you did already!"

I held my hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Calm down there Lion. We were know, into our kiss. And he wanted to progress, but I didn't. He pleaded for awhile. But I still refused. So in his words he just 'punished me for my unacceptable actions.' Then after I ran away."

His mouth was hanging slightly ajar. "Holy shit...that bastard! You did nothing wrong! All he wanted was a blow job-"

"Woah! Wait what?" I yelled, half amused half shocked. I bit my lip trying to hold back my laughter.

He scrunchd up his eye brows. His face was the picture of pure confusion. "Isn't that what you meant?"

I couldn't hold it anymore. Like a dam that broke loose, I doubled over laughing.

"N-No...He-He..." I said in between hits of laughter.

I wiped a tear forming at my eye and looked over at Brandon. He was stone still, and utterly confused.

He muttered something under his breath that sounded something like 'she has some crazy mood swings.'

I brushed off his comment and resumed with our conversation.

"And no, he wanted to have sex, but I refused." I said slowly, as if explaining it to a two year old.

His mouth former the shape of an 'o'.

"Oh...well thank God you refused, but why did he hit you?"

"And this is the complicated part." I mutters d under my breath.

I took another deep breath.

"He said that my actions on that day were unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. At first it was just him smacking me. Across the face I may add."

His eyes switched from confusion from a moment ago, and now were pure hatred.

"Why didn't you run? Tell the police? Leave him?"

I nodded.

"I did. I ran, I tried to leave him. But he found me again. His 'punishments'"

I did air quotes with my hands around the word punsishment.

"Just got worse. And then yes, eventually I did get a restraining order placed against him."

He smiled smugly, yet his it didn't quite reach his eyes. They still held all of that anger that they dis before.

"If you do have a restraining order against him, then why is he still after you? Does he not understand how restraining orders work?"

I chuckled. "Hes so fucking stupid, I bet he doesn't even know what a restraining order is, much less how it works."

'You know." He started, slinging his arm around my shoulder. He fur d and faced me again. "If I were in your place, id be on the edge of insanity right now."

I laughed dryly. "I am."

He once again looked puzzled. "Then why aren't you showing it."

"Ehh." I shrugged. "These moods come and go. In twenty minutes I might be on the flooor crying. You never know. Not even I know."

He opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off quickly.

"And belfry you ask, yes these moods swings are even annoying to me. No I cant control them. And no I don't know why I have them or when they'll happen. Its spontaneous."

He gaped at me. He sort of resemples a fish, opening and closing his mouth like that.

"How'd you know I was going to ask you those things?"

I shrugged once again. "Everyone asks them. That's why I go ahead and answer them so you cant save your oxygen and my time."

He once again tried to comment. But I cut him off. Again.

"And no. Never. Ever. Point out to me when ive changed moods, or are in aa shitty, bitchy, happy, or sad mood. That'll just piss me off."

He nodded.

'Any more questioned?"

"Nope." He said while popping the 'p'

"Okay then."


Eh..shitty ending, but right now its 11:47pm, and I'm in a tent in my back yard with my best friend, while a bunch of hikers and hippies are outside walking around, and I'm shoving my face with pretzles(:

Totally the life(:

Um...more characters!!! I need more!!!! PLEASEEEES!!!!!!!!!! XD

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