Chapter 12

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Hiya! Chappy 12. I'm sure you have seen it! But as of today, may 11 I have 319 reads and 14 votes and 5 comments. Super extatic about the reads XD not so much about the votes and comments.

I think how I'm going to handle Brandon's P.O.V. is by posting a seperate book with it. But it will only contain the selected chapters in it. If your interested in that, then vote and comment. If I don't get any for this chapter, then i wont post it.

If you vote/comment/fan, I'll dedicate a chapter to you!!

Much love,



The tears blurred my vision.

I was currently running down oak drive. Where that is, I don't know. I honestly don't know where I am, but I'm pretty sure I passed that house ten minutes ago.

Yes, as soon as I broke out of those hospital doors, I sprinter off in a random diraction. Nobody even followed me. And ive been running since then. The sun is slowly starting to set now. So I assume that ive been gone for, an hour and a half? Two hours? Hell if I know.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Hmm. Its 7:30. Spit later than I expected it to be. There were also numerous missed calls. Most from Liam. A couple from mel. And 2 from two different numbers. One with the area code from this area, the other labled restricted.

I decided to just find my way back to the house on my own. I really don't wan tto see anyone right now. I just want to go and curl up in my bed and forget the horrible events of today.

A bright red mustang came into view.

"Awe shit." I mumbled. The car slowed down to my sleek when it reached me. The window rolled down, and there he was. Brandon. His eyes were horribly bloodshot, with dark bags under his eyes.

"Get in." He said, his voice scratchy tron crying.

I shook my head and continued to run. My legs ached and I had a stitch in my side but I didn't care. The pain in my heart overrulled it all.

"Claire! Its not an option. No get in the damn car!" He growled.

I was honestly scared if him. He was quite intimidating. But I wouldn't ever let him know that.

He abruptly stopped the car and quickly moved to where I was.

"Now get in the car before I make you." His voice dangerously low. His eyes were full of lain and anger. I honestly felt bad for him. I knew exactly what its like to be in his shoes. But his outburst wasn't nessesary. He didn't need to say that about me.

He reached out to try and grab me, but I quickly backed away. Before he could try again, u dashed in the opposite direction.

I was running on pure addrenaline. Almost all of my energy was conpleatly gone. But noe I had a new motiavtion to run. He was after me too. He was going to gt me. It felt as if the whole world was suddenly turned against me.

I snick a look over my shoulder, and what I saw honestly scared me to my soul. Instead of seeing Brandon chasing me. I saw Aiden. He wa gaining on Me. That thought alone made me quicken my pace. My body protested and I could barley breath, but I kept running. Running. For my life.

To arms encircled my waist.

"No!" I shouted. Twisting and turning, trying to escape.

Me captour just held on tighter.

"Let me gp!!" I shouted even louder. I wiggled and desperately tried to free myself from their iron grip.

"Aiden! Please let me go!" I half cried/half shouted.

I was suddenly turned around, now facing the perish who captured me. Their hands were still tightly wrapped around my waist, notetting me escape.

"Claire. Its me. Clam down." Brandon said slowly and out of breath.

"No. No. No. No." I said, getting louder each time. I was voipently shaking my head. Hoping that this horrible image would dissapear. All I saw wax Aiden. His evil look. Rhodes eyes that can Peirce straight through the soul. He had me.

A large hand grasped my face to keep it still. "Shh." Brandon whispered. He mooned deep into my eyes. "Its okay. Its just me. Brandon." He said softly.

I nodded my head. Finally realizing it was just him. No Aiden.

A drop of water hit mu nose. I went cross eyed trying.g to look at it. Brandon chuckled weekly, and I gave a small smile.

'Come on." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Lets get you home."

He guided me back over to his car and opened the passenger door for me. I slid inside his mustang. The seats were black leather, the dash was black too. On the roof, turned out to be a convertable top. All in all, a very sheek sports car. Probably expensive too.

We sat in silence the entire ride home. Only the rain making noise. The sky held dark clouds, churnign and mid nc wig each other.

I didn't even realises that I'd ran so far. I didn't know thrall I could even run this much...

We pulled up into my driveway. Brandon looked at me expectantly.


"Aren't you going to get out of my car?" He said slightly amused.

It ceases to amaze me that he can joke around in times like these...

"Umm. Yeah sure." I quickly got out of the car and made it up to the front door before he called me.

"I was just joking." He said quietly from beignd me. How he got tthere so ffast is a shock tto me.

I opened the ddoor and gestured for him to do the same.

Once inside we were greeted by silence.

"Mel? Liam?" I called turning my head around, searching for them.

Out of no where Mel come running at me and throws herself around my neck.

"Where did you go?" She asked, her vouice husky from crying too.

"Hell if I know. I just ran." I answered shrugging.

"We need to talk right now. She'll answer all of your questions later." Brandon cut. In. The way he said it made it sound more of an order than a request. Melissa nodded with an eyebrow raised as brandon proceeded to drag me out the door by my arm.

I knew exactly what he wanted tto talk about. The same thing before he ever revived that phone call.



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