Chapter 4

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Hiya! Here's chapter 4 for ya! And please, vote and comment on my story, I didn't gt any for chapter 3, so please vote!!!

Song of the chapter: big city dreams by nevershoutnever :)

(You should go check them out, there amazing!)


How in hell did me find out? I didn't tell anyone. And I didn't think anyone else knew. Much less knew I was in the hospital. Shit, that means he's gonna ask why I cut myself. Yeah, that ones gonna be fun to explain.

"Miss Lewis?" The young nurse called.


"A taxi has come to pick you up." She stated simply.

A taxi? Where in the hell am I going!?! Before i could compleatly understand everything, I was placed in a wheelchair and pushed into a taxi.

"Where he hell am I going?!?"

I screamed at the driver. "Airport." He replied, "but don't worry, I have all your stuff. Its in the trunk."

I was speachless. Who packed my stuff? What about my parents stuff? But that's when we pulled into the airport.

It was small airport, only 3 terminals. But its cute and friendly. You can just walk in and to up to the sky deck. Its amazing.

Someone bumped against dmy wheelchair. "Sorry ma'am."

The driver pushed me through the crowds while 2 other men carrier my stuff. It looks like they packed up ky whole house.

"Your parents things were left where they were. Everythring that they owned is left to you, since you are there only child"

Damn. That means I'm loaded. I shouldn't be thinking like that. That means that I'm now in charge of everything, the house payment, old credit. Are bill, everythink they left behind is now my responsibility.

"Flight 643 to Portland orgeon is now boarding." The intercom boomed.

As the men placed my things in the storage compartment, I made my way through the gate. An older woman handed me my ticket. I took a closer loom at it. I was sitting in first class. Wow. Wait that means I'm paying for this all. I groaned.

"What's wrong dear?" The elderly lady asked.

I plastered my smile on,


She resumed collecting tickets as I boarded the plane. I was in the first row at the window seat.

"Cool," I commented aloud

"I get to watch the whole country pass by. "

I took out my bag, and got out my phone.

"This is going to be one hell of a long ride." I mumbled.

This planes too boring. I decide to get out my laptop. Hehe my verizon willalwasys have coverage in an airplane cause I rule the air lol.

"Skype, Skype, Skype,Skype." Yeah, I'm really bored so I start singing.

"Oooooo! Nicholas is online!" Nicholas best friend. We have known each other since dipers. I call him. He picks up on the first ring,

"where the fuck have you been!" He screams.

"Well hello to you to..." I reply.

"Clarissa mae Lewis, now is no time for jokes."

His voice was cold. " see..ive..."

I couldn't say it out loud...

"I heard about your dad..."

a lump formed in my throat, I did my best to swallow it, but was failing.


He looked torn. Like he couldn't decide whether to tell me or not.

"Taylor.." he mumbled quietly.

I couldn't help it, I started sobbing. "T-that b-bithch..."

my blood was a mixture between stone cold and boiling. Stone cold for me lying and not telling Nicholas and boling for Taylor being such a bitch.

"Where the hell are you?!?"

He screamed, tearing me away from my thoughts. I looked around, then a new wave of tears hit me

"Nicholas listen, I'm on a plane. On my way to Washington to my aunt and uncles."

A tear rolled down his face. It hurt me so much to leave him.

"W-why?" His voice cracked.

"M-my mom...she..." I couldn't say it. Instead I motioned with my fingers a gun, then pointed it to my head and pulled he trigger. Nicholas's face went pale.

"Nick?" He wouldn't reply. "I'm so fucking sorry nick, I didn't wanna keep it from you, but I just didn't have to.heart to tell anyone. And your the only Pearson that knows about my mom." The last sentence was barley a whisper.

A few other passengers were giving me weird looks, but i dont give a shit.

"Its okay Claire." His.voice was so.soft.

"are you ok?" A new voice said.

I turned to a girl who looked around my age, she had short blonde hair with brown eyes.

" I'm okay." I. Chockked out.

"No your not, its obvious your crying."

She looked at my laptop and saw Nicholas.

"Did he break up with you?" I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"N-mo...." I chocked.

"Oh, ok good." She seemed lost.

"Do you want to sit here?" I pointed out the empty seat next to me.

"Are you sure?" I smiled.

"Positive" I turned back to my laptop to still see Nicholas.

"Oh shit! Sorry I forgot you where here!" He rolled his eyes,

"obviously," before I could make a snide comment the girl spoke up,

"where are you going to?" Her question surprised me. Shes really random..

"Portland, you?" She smiled,

"same, but I'm staying wit some friends in Washington."

"Oh my God, me to! I'm staying in hoodriver, you?"

Her whole face lit up, "no way! I am too!" I smiled, but before I.could speck again, Nicholas did,

"I'm glad you've made a friend Claire, I.wont worry so much knowing your not alone."

He turned to the girl, "and please.make sure she stays out of too much trouble, she can be a real handfull."

"Hey!" He looked at me innocently,


"Don't talk about me like I'm not here!"

He shrugged.

"Oops," she giggled, I turned toblook at her.

"What??" She stopped, "you.guys sound like an old married couple!"

I cracked up. Nicholas scoffed.

"I am not old. Or married!!" He crossed his arms and pouted. He's such a child.

"I'm going to let you go so you can get to know your new friend, love ya, and oh! Text me when you land."

I turned back to my laptop,

"will do! Love you too!" And with that, he signed off.


Woo hooo!!!! Chapter four done! What'd ya think?? Leave me a comment and tell me!! And thanks for reading!!

Aim for chapter: 4 voter? 3 comments?

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