Meeting the avengers

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Hi everyone, thank you for reading this book just to let you know that I'm going to use bold when I say something I might just pop in now and again to say something Idk. Firstly I wanna say that this happens after endgame but I refuse to acknowledge anyone that died in the whole MCU so everyone will be alive sorry not sorry. And secondly I'm British so if you are American (not being rude) and don't understand something I say because it's a British term I'm sorry but I can't help it anyway I just want to say thank you for reading my book and hope you enjoy the story!

Bucky's POV

"Fuck" I thought "all these people hate me for what I did, how am I gonna face them?" Me and Steve were walking to meet the avengers for the first time since the battle. Even though I fought beside them it apparently meant nothing to these people especially Tony I thought he was still mad that I killed his parents. It wasn't my fault! I wish I could have controlled it I do but I couldn't and now all of a sudden I'm not Bucky Barnes anymore I'm the winter soldier. I never asked for any of this.

I sighed deeply and said to Steve "do they all hate me"

"I honestly have no idea Buck?" He replied laughing

Yea that fucking helps thank you Steve I thought. I just nod and carry on walking with my head down.  The avengers are all on the top floor and me and Steve are on the bottom just about to get into the lift. How fun! We got into the lift and Steve pressed the button to the top floor. I was just thinking about how it's a higher floor to throw me off. I mentally punched myself at least 10 times before the ding of us reaching the top threw me out of my thoughts.

"Here we go buddy!" Steve mumbled

I was grateful he was here with me I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me but there was always a possibility that he would let them kill me after everything I've done. I just nodded and still kept my head down and we walked to what Steve told we was the meeting room. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw them. The Avengers. I knew all there names and I definitely know they knew mine as they stared at me from behind the glass. Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, (hi me again, remember nobody in the whole MCU died oh and also I forgot to mention, Clint wasn't married!) Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson and Sam Wilson. I kept my head looking down on the ground but I could feel there stares as I walked through the glass doors and sat down at the table.

Then suddenly Steve started talking "As you all know this is James Barnes known to me as Bucky" he paused "Bucky has already spoken to me and has said he is willing to answer any questions you have for him but before all of that he would like to say something" I felt my teeth clench I totally forgot I asked Steve if I could say something. I slowly looked up and saw everyone's eyes on me.

I looked back down at the table, cleared my throat and said in a quite voice "I know you all know who I am and what I have done. And I know none of that which I say today is going to cover up for what I have done previously" I felt the tears threatening to fall "I know you all hate me and I hate me too, I hate that I let myself be a victim to the horrible things they did to me in Russia but you guys don't know that half of what happened to me in there. If you want to kill me you can't I've already tried it multiple times and it hasn't worked" at that the tears began to fall " I do remember all the people I have hurt or killed and you don't know the pain that that leaves me in just thinking about the innocent people who had lots of time to live now dead!" I paused "as Steve said I am willing to answer you questions. And please do you worst, it can't get any worse for me from here can it?' I finished. I looked up from the table to see almost everyone in with solemn expressions and what I wasn't expecting was for everyone to suddenly get up, including tony and hug me?

I froze not knowing what to do as I felt all the warm bodies pressed up against me and a few second later they were gone again. It was Natasha then who spoke next

"Bucky... can I call you that?" She said in a quiet voice. I nodded and she carried on. "On behalf of everyone I would just like to say we are so sorry for what you went through, but we all know that you fought with us all a few months prior and risked your life to save thousands of others. I know it's going to take you a while to trust us but we weren't here to mock you or shout at you today. We were here to offer you a space in the avengers for what you have done like we did to Loki," that that she gestured to Loki who as sitting quietly in the corner. "we don't blame you for what you couldn't control and we know that you are a good person!" I looked up at everyone around me smiling at me.

I took a deep breath and said quietly "you don't want me surely?" Everyone then shook there head which made my heart sink. Then tony spoke up and said,

"We don't want you," he paused took a deep breath and then whispered "we need you!"

I looked up once again at everyone's smiling faces, then at Steve and nodded and said "I'm in!"

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