Truth or dare!!

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Hi everyone, I'm sorry that the last chapter was so short but I wanted to establish the room situation and then get onto this one which is probably gonna need more than one part to it so get excited. I'm also gonna do a few different POV's because I realised I had only done Bucky so far. Now enjoy the story!

Tony's POV

I had just dropped Bucky into his room who I decided I wasn't gonna blame him anymore for my parents death by the way and had an amazing idea. "Hey Bucky meet me down in the lounge at 6pm," I yelled as had already shown him around. I just got a sure in return and being satisfied with that I walked away to tell the others the same thing. I'm so excited!

Bucky's POV

Tony just told me to meet him at 6PM and it was 3 right now so I could probably get a quick sleep in right before. I really needed it! I climbed under the covers and instantly fell asleep.

Hi me again I forgot to mention that italics meant he is going to be dreaming, okay bye

I was strapped to the chair again! Why is it always that chair. The words ahh those fucking words I hate them! They were just making sure I was still under I suppose but then they were gonna do what they always do! erase my memory. I saw the machine come down and the gauze being put in my mouth. I tried to scream but I couldn't. The pain the...

I suddenly woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. Shit it was Sam!

"Sorry Buck I heard you screaming in pain so I came in as you wouldn't wake up!" He said quickly

"Sorry bad dream" I replied "um what time is it?"

Nearly 6 he said then left. I fell back on my pillow mentally punching myself again wishing I didn't feel this way about him! I then got up got dressed into other clothes as the ones I had on were drenched in sweat from my dream and then headed downstairs to meet the rest of the avengers.

Sam's POV

I had just left Bucky's room after waking him up and couldn't help but feel weird. I thought about what I had just seen Bucky sweating and screaming. His beautiful hair, hi- oh shit! I'm think in love with Bucky fucking Barns!

Bucky's POV

I headed downstairs to see all the avengers gathered in the living room. They all smiled and waved at me as I sat down. I smiled back as Bruce asked

"So Tony why have you called us all down here?"

Tony smirked and replied with "we are going to play Truth or dare!"

The girls, Clint, Pietro and Loki smirked as-well knowing they would be good at this whereas Me, banner, Steve and Sam else started sweating nervous as hell. And Thor just said

"What is Truth or Dare?"

Tony responded with "okay so I have a bottle here and we are going to spin it and see who it lands on for example if I spun and it landed on Steve then I would ask him truth or dare he would respond with one of the two and I would have to ask him. Because I'm nice I'm going to make us give you two options of what you want to chose from so two truths or two dates and you get to pick. Everyone clear?"

We all nodded

"Ok I'll start!" He spun and it landed on Bruce "okay Bruce Truth or Dare?"

"Umm Truth!" He responded

"Okay!" Tony said "Give us an in depth description of what happened when you turned into the hulk or tell us who you have a crush on" Tony smirked

Bruce gulped and said quietly "I'll do the second one, the first one is too hard to explain... umm I have a crush on... Thor"

With that Thor got up without hesitation and kissed the living daylights out of Banner and sat next to him kicking Natasha off the seat."

"Hey!" Yelled Nat

"Tuff luck widow lady I'm sitting next to my love!"

Nat chuckled and took Thors original spot as banner blushed and rested his head on Thor's shoulder sweetly.

"Aha ship one down only a couple more to go!" Tony said as everyone else gulped nervously "Okay banner spin!" He added

Bruce spun and it landed on Natasha who smirked ready for anything "dare!" She said before Bruce could ask.

"Hmm okay..." Bruce said "either jump out the window and wait for Tony to catch you in his suit at the last minute or don't go to the training room for a week!" He laughed at the last one.

"Ohhh I'll get you back banner! I guess I'll take the first one?" She then ran quickly towards the window and jumped out as Tony got his suit on flew down to catch her before returning with Nat who looked scared.

The bottle was then spun once again by Natasha and it landed on Pietro who sighed as Nat said "truth or dare?"

"Umm truth" he replied in his Slovakian accent

"Tell us your sexuality or tell us who you would rather sleep with Clint or Tony?"

"Second one," he said calmly "Clint duh?"

Clint blushed and tony let out a semi- loud "hey?" as the game Carried on And it landed on me. Shit!

"Okay truth or dare buckaroo?" he asked....

Hello me again, I'm gonna do a part two to this and leave it on a cliffhanger see you then!

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