Forming other bonds

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This chapter is based more on Wanda and Nat since I wanna get them together so then we can just focus on Sam and Bucky at last! This is pretty short tho too! Enjoy!

Natasha's POV

I was really worried Sam and Bucky. They had both locked themselves in there rooms. Sam only answering the door for Wanda and Clint but Bucky for no one. He wouldn't even answer his phone when you called him. I was scared. They both weren't eating and both of them were crying. I was also having my own problems ever since Wanda had confessed she liked me she had been avoiding me when I just wanted to tell her I liked her too! But I had a plan I just needed some help from the god of mischief!

Loki's POV

Nat had asked me to help her with something mischievous and of course I was interested. It was about trying to talk to Wanda. We were going to trap her with Nat!

Natasha's POV

"I really hope this works!" I said to Loki

"Don't worry it will it's me your talking to after all. Oh here she comes!" Says Loki. I hide in the room right by where we were talking.

"Hey Wanda I need your help with something." he asked her.

"Of course! What can I help you with?" She asks

"This!!" He smirked and pushed her into the room I was in and locked it after us and me being smart jumped right in front of it blocking her path.

"Nat!" She exclaimed "what are you doing?"

"I'm getting you to talk to me!" I reply

"But I really have to go!" She says

"Wanda Maximoff you listen to me right now!" I shouted, but not too loud "I like you too for fucks sake!"

"What?" she says

"You know truth or dare? You said you like me well I like you too," I say back and smile. Without warning she crashes her lips onto mine and we only separate when we need to breathe.

"Soo.. do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I ask

"Of course!" She smiles before kissing me again but shorter.

Okay just to establish some things the couples are Wanda x Nat, Clint x Pietro, Tony x Steve and finally Bruce x Thor so far.

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