Family: Epilouge

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Right I know this is stupid but I wanted to give all the children full names. Like first name, middle name and last name. Because they wouldn't have been able to pick first names if the children were adopted so I wanted to do middle names so they could be chosen.

15 years later

Sam's POV

"Tilly, Noah hurry up and grab your things! Your gonna be late for school!" I shouted to our Children holding a crying 3 year old in my arms. To catch you up me and Bucky had got married about 5 years into our relationship. We then adopted Noah James Barnes a year later he was now 9, we then adopted Tilly Marie Barnes 2 years after that so she was 7 then finally 4 years later we adopted our 3 year old son Issac William Barnes. They were all newborn when we adopted them and we loved them to death. Bucky had gotten over his anxiety attacks and his cutting quicker than I expected it only took him a few months which made me happy because a lot of people liked to shout in this house.

Everyone else in the house had actually got married in a joint wedding! We had all completely forgot about marriage mostly so decided to have a small one together. It was very stressful but it was fun because we all got to share the happiest days of our lives together and then all went our separate ways on our honeymoons. Loki had met his girlfriend when he went to the new Asgard about 6 months into mine and Bucky's relationship. She was actually a friend of Thor's, Valkyrie she was a badass and was really nice! They got married at the same time as us like Thor and Bruce, Clint and Pietro, Wanda and Nat and Tony and Steve.

They all adopted children like us they were:

Wanda and Nat Romanoff
They used there eggs combined and a random donors sperm and Wanda gave birth to:

5 year old twin girls Marley Grace Romanoff and Harley Joyce Romanoff and a 8 year old son called Elijah Lee Romanoff .

Thor and Bruce Odinson

They adopted 4 year old son called Owen Jude Thorson and another 7 year old son called Eric Liam Thorson. The also had a 2 year old girl named Michelle Berkley Odinson.

Steve and Tony Stark

They had adopted Peter Benjamin Parker who was 16 they adopted him when he was 12 and was also a superhero (*winks*) and also a 12 year old girl called Morgan Howard Stark (*winks again*) who they adopted her just last year when she was 11. She also had the potential to be a superhero. They preferred to get older kids they both weren't very good with babies.

Okay so I think that Peter would want to keep his last name and he is old enough to make that decision and I think that even though Steve is the more dominant one and I feel that he would be the top in the relationship I think that tony would force him to take his last name. (Also Morgan Stark makes more sense.) Also there middle names are the same as in the comics.

Clint and Pietro Maximoff
These two went for a different approach and basically did what Wanda and Nat did but the other way round and had a surrogate for them:

They had twins: a boy and a girl the girl called Leia Amidala Maximoff and the boy called Luke cliegg Maximoff they were 5. they also had an older girl called Rey Skye Maximoff who was 11.

Okay I saw this one shot and it was like if all the avengers loved Star Wars and I loved it so I thought that these two would be the ones to love it the most.

Loki and Valkyrie Laufeyson
Natural birth:

They had a 7 year old girl called Frigga Clarice Lokidottir (named after Loki's adopted mother) and another girl named Frankie Louise Lokison who was 4, Valkyrie was now pregnant with there 3rd baby which they knew was a boy and planned to name him Lucas Odin Lokison.

All our children were very close all of them! We had all moved out of avengers tower but still remained superheroes and lived close to each other. We just had a rota for missions.

All of our lives were hectic but we always persevered. We all loved each other and nothing could come in between that

                                    THE END

I'm kinda sad it's the end but we still have some smut shots which I'm kinda dreading but also am excited for if you know what I mean. I am gonna do Loki and Valkyrie smut aswell. Also I'm gonna do the avengers reaction to it the morning after like Bucky and Sam. But if you aren't going to read them I would just like to say thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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