He's awake!

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Did you guys like the last part! I did they are finally together!!! Yayyy! Enjoy this part!

Sam's POV

"BUCKY'S AWAKE!" I shouted to the doctor. He came running in and began to do some tests on him. I just sat and watched smiling.

"I should go call the others and tell them your'e awake" I said as I got up. Bucky just smiled at me and nodded. This is how the conversation went with everyone...

Hey (persons name) I'm just calling you to let you know that Bucky is awake and he is happy for you to come see him! These are there responses ...

Steve: no fucking way I'll be there ASAP!

Tony: fuck yes I'll be there soon

Thor: yes well done to you falcon man for staying there with him. Me and Bruce will be there.

Bruce: yes Thor came in and told me we will be there in the next hour or so!

Natasha: ha! Clint owes me £10 see you there!

Clint: shit now I owe Natasha money. Fuck you sam but I'll be there soon!

Wanda: oh that's great news! I'll try and make it

Pietro: yes I've heard Clint's already spoke to me about how he owes Natasha we will be there as soon as we can!

Loki: that's great. I'll come this time sorry I couldn't last time!

And satisfied with that I hung up and walked back in to see Bucky and the doctor.

"Okay everything seems to be fine! You should be able to leave tomorrow at the latest!" The doctor said to Bucky. "It's surprising you woke up so quickly you know!"

"Thanks doc!" Bucky replied smiling at me.

"Yes thank you doctor!" I said as he left the room. "I'm so glad your okay," I said to Bucky

"Me too!" He replied as I went over and hugged him.

"Everyone is on there way I think they will be here in the next hour!" I said


Bucky's POV

I don't know why but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders since I woke up. It was probably because I spoke to Sam! I we just sat there cuddling and waiting for everyone else to arrive and I felt Sam drift off next to me. He mustn't have got a lot of sleep while I was under. I just sat there watching his chest rise and fall. About 20 minutes later everyone arrived. Before anyone could say anything I pointed to Sam and they all showed a look knowing what I meant. Steve was the first to hug me,

"Omg I'm so glad you okay!" He whispered shouted. Then it was Tony doing pretty much the same thing

"Hope your okay buddy!" Then it was Nat,

"Glad your okay buck!" Then Wanda

"You scared the shit out of me don't ever do that again!" Pietro was next,

"Glad your okay buckaroo!" He chuckled. Clint next

"Couldn't you have waited another 2 weeks now I owe Nat £10?" I just chuckled and moved onto Thor, banner and Loki. They all just smiled at me and told me that they were glad I was okay now. After all that Steve asked when I would be coming back

"The doctor said that I could come back tomorrow as everything seemed perfectly fine. He was so surprised that I was awake so soon because I only made my first movement this morning. Apparently a little movement of the hand then an hour later I was wide awake?" After about another hour of catching up with everyone that Sam began to stir. And soon woke up surprised at the crowd around us.

"Oh," he yawned "hey guys!"

"See you were very sleepy!" Tony chuckled.

"Hey he's comfy alright!" Sam said laughing

"Why thank you!" I replied making Sam blush like mad.

"Are you too okay now?" Asked Steve.

"I think we worked things out..." I said smirking making Sam blush even more if it was possible and everyone else laughed.

"Wait am I missing something?" Said Thor confused at why Sam was blushing and everyone else was laughing

"They made up and now there dating love!" Said banner who laughed at Thor.

"Don't laugh at me!" Thor whined

"Sorry love!" Said Bruce kissing Thor's nose

"Get a room I may throw up!" Said Tony laughing and pretending to throw up.

"That's not what you say when you do it to me Tony!" Said Steve and soon everyone was laughing at Tony's face and the fact that his joke had failed.

"Shut up Steve!!" Said Tony Walking out. We all shared a worried glance at each other before Steve followed after him. All of us continued to talk for a bit before Steve and Tony came back. Steve flustered and Tony having a smirk on his face. He then said

"That will teach you to make fun of me Steve!"

"Oh get a room I may throw up!" Mocked banner making Tony scowl at the failed joke again making us all laugh. He was too predictable now.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" He shouted quite loud not meaning too but making me flinch. I managed to stay calm but my face went pale and my eyes went wide.

"Tony control your tone!" Sam half shouted back.

"Sorry buck," Tony said a little worried.

"It's fine!" I chocked "I'm fine!" At this my breathing began to quicken.

"Why don't we all go!" Suggested Natasha seeing that I wasn't okay. They all hurried out the room as Sam turned to me and began telling me that I was okay and that I needed to try and breathe In time with him. This worked a little but not much so Sam suggested I do the same as the other night. I did so and my breathing slowed down to normal.

"Why don't you go to sleep buck?" Sam suggested. I just nodded and said a small

"thank you!" Before falling asleep next to Sam like he had done earlier and surprisingly with Sam next to me I had no bad dreams!

Love // WinterfalconWhere stories live. Discover now