Truth or dare!!! Part 2

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Hi, Disclaimer there is mention of panic attacks and self harm skip those parts if you want! This one is quite short but there is gonna be another part to the truth or dare thing I just wanted to make Sam and Bucky's relationship a bit stronger because I actually haven't done a lot on them even tho the story is about them. But yea enjoy this part!

Still Bucky's POV

"Okay truth or dare buckaroo" Pietro asked

"don't call me that and umm truth?" I said not knowing what to pick

He smirked and said "okay tell us you sexual preference or tell us who you have a crush on!"

Everyone laughed at this as I said "fuck your Pietro" half laughing too "umm fine the first one, please don't judge me?" Everyone nodded

"I'm bisexual" I whispered

"What did you say?" Tony asked

"I said I'm bisexual" louder "but I do like men more than women," I looked down afterwards

Then I heard Steve shout "WHAT?" I flinched and started to panic as Steve continued "you never told me buck?" At this point I couldn't breathe and was hyperventilating though no one seemed to notice other than Sam who came rushing over to me. And started calming me as the others watched Steve ramble on, on how he was cool with it but couldn't believe it. Sam was now stroking my good arm and telling me I was safe and fine and to breathe as more people started to notice me struggling on the sofa. Steve stopped talking as he noticed what was going on whilst everyone just watched me sit there as Sam was telling me to try and name 5 different things I could see, 4 sounds, 3 smells, two things about myself that I like and then take one big deep breath.

"I ca-n s-e-e you, th-e t-table, s-ofa, p-plant a-n-d t-he TV,"

"I can h-ear t-he bi-rds, bre-athi-ng.." Sam made a few sounds secretly so I could hear them while everyone else watched "cli-cking and ta-p-ping"

"I can smell mint, v-an-nilla and grass and I h-ave no I-dea with th-is one but weat-ever?" I then took a big deep breath and Sam smiled at me and then we both became aware of who was watching us and we both blushed and Sam hurried back to his seat.

"Bucky man, are you okay?" Asked Steve

"I'm fine"

"Are you s-" he began but I interrupted "I'm FINE!" I yelled and stalked off back to my room as everyone sat there in silence.

I walked into my room slammed the door and then locked myself In the bathroom. I started to cry


"Why me?" I asked. With shaking hands I reached up to the top draw of the shelves and found what I was looking for the blade off a beard trimmer. It will have to do, I thought. Slowly I began to cut the skin on my good wrist. Leaving jagged straight lines on the skin crying as I did so. Then I heard footsteps and someone coming in and calling my name being careful not to shout. That told me it was Sam. He could tell what set of my panic attack earlier and knew it would send me into another one. I stayed quiet.

"I know your in the bathroom Bucky!" He said calmly. "You leave me no choice because I know what your doing! I've been there!" He broke down the door actually making not much sound at all, he must be used to it. He then ran over to me and hugged me as I cried Into his chest whilst he looked at the cuts on my wrist. Though he didn't say anything for a while until I asked.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No I'm not mad, I understand but your gonna have to stop this now okay? I'll help you see?" He rolled up his sleeves showing me the scars. They all looked really old. "I used to to it too till I found other ways to cope, I can show you at some point. Just promise me you will come to me if you want to do it again okay?" I nodded and soon was drifting off to sleep in Sam's arms

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