Caught red handed

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Hi everyone, There is a big plot twist in this. Which maybe could be a new couple. Try and guess which one! Enjoy! Also trigger warning mentions of abuse and self harm.
Sam's POV

I watched Bucky fall asleep in my arms. I felt so bad for him. I loved the boy so much. I hated seeing him sit there helpless not just in the bathroom but out in the living room too. I carried him over to his bed making sure he didn't wake up. I then left and shut the door quietly and walked back into the living room to be bombarded with questions about Bucky. I sat down and waited for them to shut up. I then said.

"One question at a time! Steve?"

Steve sat there worried and immediately blurt out "what the hell happened?" and I began to explain.

"You see when he said he was bisexual and you got up and shouted, and for the record Steve I don't think he blames you he just got scared and that's what sent him into a panic attack. I used to have them too that's why I knew how to help him. Then when you asked if he was fine he got overwhelmed with all of you looking at him and snapped. Then I went and found him in the bathroom and don't tell him I told you but he was self harming." When I said that everyone gasped and had a worried look on there face so I said "don't worry guys I'm going to help him. I used to do it too and I got out of it by going to someone I trusted when I wanted to harm myself."

Everyone just sat there in silence before I said I was going to check on Bucky. Everyone's appearance changed from solemn to smirks and they all stared at me.

"What?" I asked

"You like him don't you?" Tony said

"W-what I-i no I don't! I stuttered "damn! fine I do don't tell him tho! Any of you!"

"Sam, " Steve whispered "if he wakes up tell him I'm sorry" he stood up and walked away not before all of us saw a tear fall from his eye. As we saw him walk him walk into his room Tony told us he would go check on him.

I walked off and went to check on Bucky. He was sweating and screaming again. Shifting in his sleep so I quickly went over and woke him up suddenly. He woke up panting and looked so scared. I just whispered

"Hey buck, it's okay I'm here your safe."

He soon calmed down and his breathing went to normal. I just said

"Bucky Steve said he was really sorry and he didn't realise, he sort of started crying as-well when I told him" Bucky just nodded "and don't hate me but I told everyone about you know in the bathroom." His eyes went wide but he soon softened

"It's fine," he breathed "the more help I can get the better," I smile "what?" He asked

"your learning already the more people you let in the better!"

"Can we go speak to Steve I don't want him to be upset over something he didn't know," Bucky asked

"Of course!" I replied

Bucky's POV

I definitely loved this man. he's so kind and he just makes me so comfortable I thought as we made our way to Steve's room. We just walked in without knocking. Probably should have knocked. We walked in on something we don't wanna see. Tony and Steve making out on Steve's bed.

"Umm guys" I response "can you stop eating each others faces off for 2 minutes," at this they realised that we were there and separated both with messy hair, red lips and blushing.

"Shit Bucky, Sam!" Steve said "oh buck by the way I'm really sorry for what happened earlier and I'm sorry for what you just saw then,"

"Hey!" both Sam and Tony said

"I saw it too," said Sam

"Was it that bad come on you seemed to enjoy it?" Said Tony

All of us laughed and we promised to not tell anyone till they were ready. They threatened Sam with something as-well apparently he said something to them that he wanted to keep a secret. That made him stop making fun of them and shut up. It must be a big secret! I'll get it out of him! We left and as soon as we were out of earshot I said to him

"What's the secret?" He just shrugged it off and walked into his room and said goodnight. That confused me so I said through the door
"Sorry Sam I didn't realise it was that big of a secret I'll see you tomorrow!" I then walked back to my room.

Love // WinterfalconWhere stories live. Discover now