At last!

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Hi everyone, hope your enjoying the story so far. I'm definitely enjoying writing it!

Sam's POV

I just watched him lying there lifeless. This was my fault! If I'd just answered the fucking phone he would be okay right now! I'm so stupid and too caught up in my own stupid life that I didn't realise this was effecting him too. It's not like we were in a relationship and he had cheated on me, it wasn't like he knew I loved him. I'm so fucking stupid!

"Steve?" I asked

"What!!" He said harshly

"I really am sorry you know! I was so caught up in my own fucking life to realise what it was like for him! And because of that he's in a fucking coma! It's not like we were in a relationship or some shit I had no right to get upset about him going out with a girl! And for that I'm sorry. I know it doesn't mean much but you should know that's I am!" I blurted out.

"It's fine" Steve muttered "it wasn't all your fault he should have spoken to any of us about it and I should have been there for him more!" After he said that the door opened again and in came, Tony (who ran over to hug Steve) Nat who came in hand in hand with Wanda and then Thor and Bruce doing the same. A couple minutes later Clint and Pietro came in to.

"Where's Loki?" I asked

Thor spoke and said "he decided to stay back and watch the compound just incase." I just nodded and went back to staring at Bucky.

"He will wake up Sam." Said Nat poring a hand on my shoulder

"How do you know that!" I asked snapping at her even though I didn't mean too, "what if he doesn't and it's all my fault and we have to pull the stupid plug out and watch him die. Because I didn't pick up the fucking phone when he needed help!" I shouted the last bit and stormed out the room and down the hall sliding down the wall crying my eyes out. Then I saw Nat come running after me. "I'm so sorry Nat I didn't mean to shout," I cried.

"Shhh honey it's okay, it's good to let it out! Do you wanna go home?" She soothed

"No I'm not leaving him ever again!" I said still crying "I left him before and I don't want that to happen ever again!"

"Sam you have to leave at some point?" She exclaimed.

"Then you will have to drag my dead body out of there!" I said getting up and marching back into Bucky's room sitting down on the chair next to his bed. I grasped his hand in mine and just stared at him taking in all his features.

"Guys let's go," said Steve knowing I wanted to be alone. They all said goodbye to me then left soon I felt my eyelids closing and fell into a deep sleep.

A week later... still Sam's POV

Bucky still hasn't woken up. I began to lose the tiny bit of hope I had left. It had only been a week but it felt like ages without him. I had only left his room to go to the bathroom or to get a snack of some sort to eat. The rest of the avengers would come from time to time but none of them stayed for long.

I kept squeezing his hand every now and then to see if he would do it back but he never did. Until at about 12pm I had just gotten back from the vending machine with a chocolate bar to see that Bucky wasn't in the same position I had left him in his arm had moved from by his side to on his stomach. I got excited and called for a doctor. One came rushing in and I told him what happened. He got happy and said that was one of the signs that he was gonna wake up soon usually in the next week or so. This made me really happy and I called everyone and told them the good news.

I had just finished on the phone and walked back into the room when I saw him... wide awake and alarmed staring around the room.

"Bucky! Hey Bucky it's me!" I was so surprised the doctor said in about a week not an hour?

"Sam?" He asked. Moving away from me a little, "why are you near me you hate me?"

"Oh buck I don't hate you! and I'm so sorry for what I put you through, I was just so angry I-" my rambling was cut off by a long and passionate kiss from Bucky which I returned happily smiling when we broke free for air.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry Sam I didn't mean t-" this time I cut him off with a kiss, not as long though.

"It's fine you big oaf!" I chuckled

"Well what does this mean?" I said pressing our foreheads together.

"Well it's up to you, I want to be with you. i don't know about you though?"

"Of course I do Bucky!" I half shouted throwing my arms around him. "I'm never letting you go again!"

Love // WinterfalconWhere stories live. Discover now