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Heyyy, I cried during this because some parts are sad and make me wanna cry I feel Sam's pain. Hope you enjoy reading. This one is quite a short chapter but the next one is longer I promise!

Sam's POV

"I'm going out with a girl tomorrow so you won't see me till the evening!" I stopped tears forming in my eyes. Why did I have to fall in love with someone who has no interest in me? I could hear Bucky trying to get my attention but I didn't answer and just ran into my room and locked the door, I never wanted to leave my room.

3 days later

Bucky had been out with the stupid girl and I hadn't the spoken to him since I only let Wanda and Clint in my room when they brought me food and no one else was allowed because I could only trust them, i was the only other person who knew about Cint's crush so we became quite close over it. Wanda wouldn't tell anyone hers tho? I can see why now after truth or dare the other night. She had not spoken to Nat since but Clint and Pietro were happy in a relationship!  They were really worried for me. I hardly ate anything. I hated Bucky. I fucking hated him. But I love him...

Bucky's POV

It had been three days since Sam had went into his room. I kept trying to speak to him but he never answered or opened the door. And only Clint and Wanda were allowed in the room. I kept trying to ask them what was wrong but they just dirty looked me and walked away saying nothing. Apparently they had told no one else so everyone but those Three were as clueless as me. I had enough I was going to speak to Sam whether he likes it or not. I strode over to his room when no one was around and kicked it open not caring what was behind it and I saw Sam puffery eyed and helpless on the bed head in his knee's.


"Go away, when I don't answer you that usually means go away I don't want to talk!" He snapped

"Just tell me what I did?" I asked he pushed me into the doorways and said sharply

"How was your date?!"

"Fine?" I said confused "why do you care all of a sudden?" I snapped now getting a little angry myself.

"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU GOD DAMMIT!!!" He shouted making me flinch. Although my breathing stayed the same.

"Sam.. I-"

"Just fuck off Bucky!" He shouted slamming the door which was still on his hinges after I'd kicked it open surprisingly.

I slid down the wall next to Sam's door and cried for the 2nd time this week!

Love // WinterfalconWhere stories live. Discover now