February 7,2015

47 4 1

My day is the way it always is just a blur of wanting to die or wanting to cut.

Can't believe just the other day I tried to kill myself not a lot of people know that about me and I choose to keep it that way because its best that way. People say oh your lucky to have a boyfriend or your lucky to be in a relationship, but in all honesty for me being in a relationship you have to worry about another living things feelings.

For me I have anxiety and depression there are days were I think about oh he won't worry about me if I go and die but then another part of me says well he loves you girl you shouldn't die. Plus you have to worry about making sure your grades are up and if there not you can't see them then you have to worry about if they are cheating on you or trying to find someone that is way smarter then u.

It may seem like my life is great but deep down I'm falling into a pit of darkness and I don't think anything can help me once I'm fully in the pit....

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