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               All the memories of the past floods threw her head. She sit there wondering why she upset right now out of all times of the day her mind chooses now to make her upset she feels so sick of how she can't live a normal life without feeling like a complete nothing in the word. Yeah she has a boyfriend that cares a lot about her but how can someone care so much about a person that doesn't even care about themselves.                                                           

                She soon gets home from a afternoon out with her boyfriend yeah it was all smiles and laughs but that sad part is shes only truly happy with him and only him hes the only one that can keep a smile on her face for longer then a minute. That's why she loves him so much he also understands her in a way that nobody else could ever understand her but tonight she feels different as she rocks back and forth in the corner of her cold and dark bedroom the room filled with endless terrible memories of the sad and ugly past that she had no choice but to go threw.

              The voices in her head yelling and screaming to just end it all now to take all of the pain away nobody with ever feel sorrow for the lost soul that they had once encountered. Everyone will be better off without you they tell her and when they go away she keep thinking about the things they say but she chooses to tell her boyfriend that shes okay and going to sleep but little does he know that the sleep with be forever just like the love she has for him. Once she hears his quiet snores she knows that its time to go she put the music louder and she does what she wants to end her laugh and the last thing that she does is she writes a letter for everyone that she loves "I'm sorry that things had to turn out this way and most likely you will not miss my soul but i will miss you all. I know that this maybe hurt you but I felt that i was done with all of the pain i felt in my life. Each day was getting harder then the next and i simply couldn't do it anymore and I'm sorry for that I'm not as strong as you all thought i was i was always far away from strong. i hope you all live a long and happy life i was once here but now im gone life on for me." 

              But before she had taken her last breath she whispered to him " don't ever forget that i love you life on well and don't ever forget me and don''t ever forget to be happy without me' and after that the darkness took over her.......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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