March 6th, 2015

16 4 0

Its kind of hard trying to find out the person you want to be when your in high school. Its just your so focused on living your life and making sure school is okay that you don't stop and thing about the future till its almost to late.

High school is just a big old mix of people that know what they want to do in there life and others that just want to drink and smoke there life away.

It sucks being in high school because you feel the pressure of having a test coming up and making sure you study for it. Then you have to make sure that you are doing your homework and the moment you feel that you are accomplished with all your work a teach has to tell you that this huge test is coming up that is worth half your grade that you just feel you want to scream WHY CANT I EVER GET A BREAK FROM ALL THIS B.S.

I like to divide my problems into two seconds thale ones I do care about and the ones I don't care about. That's pretty much how I put my life. But then I think about the free time that I don't have I spend so much time in school making sure that my grades are okay. That I don't sit down and think about life.

Yes I have a boyfriend and yes I do care about him its just I feel that maybe one day I'm going to be so far into my work that he will get tired of having to wait for me to make time for him and just move on. Its the scary things that I think about since I'm in a relationship.

Many people see my relationship as cute and so adorable but in reality its not really. I mean we do have the qualities that you must have in a relationship like trust and comfort towards one another. But someone times we are so far into our school work that we don't stop to enjoy our company. But I feel that one day one of us is going to get tired of waiting to be noticed by one another that were just going to give up on each other...

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