✨Lord Hunkyhair to the rescue✨

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Sophie had just flopped on her bed when Austin walked into her room with Kara trailing her. "Yes?" Sophie sighed. Austin grabbed her by the collar and Sophie shrieked. "Get your hands off!" She screamed. "YOU NEED TO GET AWAY FROM MY KEEFIE SENCEN!" Austin yelled. Sophie tried to push her away but Austin had a firm grip. Suddenly, the door burst open and Keefe widened his eyes. He shoveled between Austin and Sophie, making Sophie slam against her pillows and Austin fell onto the floor. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO-ohh! Hi Keefie Sencen!!!" Austin got up, and twirled her hair. Kara copied her. "What were you doing with her?" Keefe asked, ignoring the 'Keefie'. "Oh nothing! This is just umm an ACT! We were gonna film something for our mother and I was supposed to do this." Austin lied, batting her eyelashes. "Then where is the camera?"

Austin coughed. "Uhmm It's not here yet so we were just practicing..." Flustered, Austin and Kara left the room. Sophie smoothened the crinkle Austin made on her collar and sighed. "Hey, are you okay?" Keefe asked. "No." Sophie muttered. 

"How did you get in the house?" Sophie asked, changing the subject. "I was riding home with

Greyfell-and I passed your house-and I heard a scream. So I knocked and your mom let me in." Keefe explained. Sophie cringed at the word 'mom' and tugged out a loose eyelash. "What are you doing? WHY ARE YOU RIPPING OUT YOUR EYELASH?!" Keefe yelped. "It's just a nervous habit!" Sophie laughed. "This really isn't what you're supposed to be laughing about..." Keefe said. "I know." Somehow, Sophie knew Keefe was not talking about her eyelash, but her stepfamily.

 "SOPHIE FOSTER CLEAN MY ROOM RIGHT. NOW." They heard Kara yell, thinking that Keefie-I meant Keefe left. "That's. It." Keefe mumbled. He grabbed Sophie's wrist and stormed outside. 

"Young lady! Where do you think you're going?" Kath asked. "Ask him." Sophie muttered. "She's going away from you that's where." Lol I enjoyed writing this part Keefe answered. Stunned, Kath stayed where she was.

"Hey! Where are you-let go!-Keefe! It hurts!" Sophie winced. "Huh? What? Oh! Sorry." Keefe said, letting go. Sophie rubbed her wrists. "Where even are we?" Sophie asked. 

Keefe sucked in a deep breath. "Hopefully your new home." 

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