👧She is her own person👧

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Sophie, Biana, and Keefe froze. They didn't need to turn around to know that it was Kath. "Now, back away from them." Kath ordered. Sophie held her breath and obeyed. Then, everything turned black.


Sophie woke up, leaning against a stone wall. Her hands were bonded together by ropes and the ropes were connected to the walls. "Now, what shall we do with you." Kath walked in, shut the door, and took out a flashlight. She switched it on and flashed it in Sophie's face. The memory flooded in her mind and Sophie's tried to jerk away. "This is easier than I thought!" Kath laughed. Sophie gasped for breath. Her breath slowed to a regular pace and her face grew determined. "What's wrong? Not enough flashing?" Kath waved the light in Sophie's eyes again. "I'm not gonna let you control me anymore. I've had enough of you. I am my own person!"

Then the door swung open and a bomb rolled into the room.

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