🦎Iggy 🦎

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"Woah. This is my room?!" Sophie asked. Her room was the entire 3rd floor! "Yep." Grady said. "I'm going to make dinner!" Edaline went downstairs. "ACK! GRADY! A Chameleone!"

Grady and Sophie rushed downstairs. Sophie lunged for him. She grabbed him and set him on the table. "Thanks."

"AW HE LOOKS LIKE PASCAL FROM TANGLED!" Sophie said. "Well you can keep him." Grady said. "Thank you." Sophie gently lifted the Chameleone and went to her room. "Hmmm...What should I name you...Iggy." Sophie blushed at the childish name. But it fit him so much. "Iggy it is." Sophie said.

Sorry this is short heh...

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