😒That was troubling😒

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As soon as Sophie stepped into the woods, the sunlight beamed on her eyes. "Ugh." She muttered. "You okay?" Keefe asked. "Yeah." Sophie answered. For a few minutes, everything was okay and then, everyone was walking sideways! Like, on trees?! "W-what's happening?!" Sophie frantically asked. "What do you mean-" 

The images must have hit Fitz too. He stumbled back. "Ugh why is there 2 of everyone?" Biana groaned. Linh crouched down and whimpered. Tam patted her hand and bit his lips. "This is giving me a migraine." Sophie murmured. "Tell me about it." Keefe said. They continued to walk, trying to ignore the images. "That's it. I need a break." Linh leaned against a tree. Everyone seemed to agree because they sank to the ground, tired. 

A few minutes later, they decided to keep walking. Sophie tripped on a tree root and fell flat on her face. "Ow!" She got up. "Are you okay?" Keefe asked. "Yeah." Sophie answered, rubbing her nose. "You sure?!" Biana asked. "Yeah, yeah." Sophie said, waving the question away. This time, they were walking on clouds. 

Sophie groaned and ran to catch up with the others.

A few hours later, they reached a path. They found a sign that said, "Path to Eternalia"

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