⚠Attack back⚠

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Sophie spun around and incisively kicked the back of the person's shins, making them fall. "Foster has some moves." Keefe said.

 Sophie looked down. Kath. How was she always everywhere?! 

"You remember what you said? 'Why did I tell you that Sophie Elizabeth foster? Use that brain of yours.' Well now I know. It was to get me up on my toes. To brace myself and wear myself out." Sophie said, pinning Kath.

"So you do have a brain." Kath pressed a button and more Neverseen members appeared. They were surrounded. Silveny, her shimmering house galloped to them, chasing away as many members as she could. "COME ON!" Sophie shouted. They all fought off as many as they could.

When they were all gone, Fitz said, "Hey...where's Kath?"

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