Neighbor Things (tommyinnit)

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Once again, Y/N was woken up in the middle of the night to the boy next door screaming his lungs out. And somehow, his laughter was often louder than his hollering.

Y/N rubbed their eyes groggily and grabbed their phone to check the time. 2:42 (AM). Of course. They sighed angrily. But instead of trying to fall back asleep like usual, they decided that tonight was the night to do something about the noise.

Y/N had moved into the house next to the screaming boy only a month ago. They still lived in the same town as before, and subsequently still went to the same school and kept the same friends. But somehow, she's never seen this boy before.

He was taller than they expected, and Y/N swears they've only seen the kid where one shirt. He must go to a different school or something- is what Y/N deducted. But still, the kid was an enigma.

At first, Y/N had thought he might be shy, and that was why she hadn't seen him around town before. But from what they'd gathered that couldn't be farther from the truth. The boy was always screaming at his computor in his room, and when he did go outside he was just as obnoxious. Y/N had to admit that there was a sort of charisma about him that if they actually knew eachother, would feel like a good thing.

But all the information that Y/N currently had to go off of was that this kid was ruining he sleep schedule. And being the chaotic person they were, Y/N decided to make an adventure out of this to solve the problem.

Y/N looked out their window. The houses were super close together, and theirs even had a lower overhang of roof they could climb out onto. It practically touched to boy's house. And directly across the way was the boys window.

Y/N watched his side profile as the boy focused on the game on his computer, his voice solid and loud. He must be talking with online friends.

Y/N pulled a hoodie over their head and shoved their phone into their pocket. Carefully, they pulled their window open and climbed out onto the roof. The night air was cooler and crisper than expect, and sent a chill down their spine. But overall the fresh air was, in a way, comforting.

Y/N had honestly expected the boy to notice them at this point, given that they were right outside his window, but the boy's eyes stayed trained on the game. They could make out his muffled words much better know. The kid kept referencing a "tubbo," a "disc", and a "chat". Y/N had no idea what that meant.

The boy's window had a wide windowsill on the outside that was probably meant for flowers or something. But unsurprisingly, the boy left it empty. There was about a foot of space between Y/N's roof and the sill, and they reached across and gripped their hands tightly to the sides of it and quickly hopped over. They were not squatting directly outside this kid's window, and finally got his attention.

The boy only glances at the ruckus at first, and had to do a double take before screaming in shock at the person at his window as he fell out of his chair. Y/N felt kind of bad for scaring him like that, but the kid recognized them eventually and regained his breath. Y/N waved as they grinned cheesily at him, and the boy looked even more cofnused. He quickly adjusted something on this computor and then walked to the window, throwing it open.

"You're the new neighbor girl/boy/person!" He said, almost as if he wanted to confirm to information. Y/N nodded slowly. "Alright, so what the fuck are you doing at my window then?!?"

Y/N was surprised at his tone. He didn't seem as angry as they thought he'd be. Sure, the kid was hollering even though he was two inches away from their face, but still. It was more confused than anything.

"You're quite loud," Y/N replied, cocking their head to the side, "Ever since I moved in I've noticed that."

"Oh," the boy let out, seeming surprised, "Sorry, I didn't realize you could hear it over in your house." Y/N was surprised at how quickly the boy's energy went from straight chaotic to... sympathetic? He was being quite genuine, which was something they hadn't expected. But then the kid shook his head and furrowed his brow. "But, wait, why hell did you climb to my window at 3 am? You could've told me literally any other way!" There was that attitude Y/N expected.

Y/N just shrugged. It was a fair question, after all. They could have just knocked on the door and asked to speak to the kid during the day or something, or caught him the next time he went out. But now- there Y/N was, sitting outside this boy's window in the middle of the night.

"Erm, honestly I didn't think much into it," they replied sheepishly.

To their surprise, the boy let out one of his cackling laughs at this, which resulted in Y/N laughing at the situation too.

"Do you wanna come in a second? It's kinda cold out," The boy offered. Y/N nodded and started to climb in the window, but the boy told them to hold one one second. He dashed to his computor and clicked a button before saying "one more minute, boys," and clicking the button again. He then gestured for Y/N to come in and closed the window behind them.

"So, do you have a name, or shall I just refer to you as New Neighbor Girl/Boy/Person?"

Y/N laughed. "I'm Y/N."

"Well hello Y/N. My name's Tommy."

Y/N nodded in response, but found their eyes glued to the Tommy's computor setup. THere were three different monitors. They recognized minecraft on one of them, but the contents of the others were unclear. And the weirdest thing was a camera set up pointing at Tommy's gaming chair. Y/N couldn't help but ask what they were thinking.

"So what is all this?" They gestured to the stuff, "And why does it involved all the screaming in the middle of the night?"

Tommy chuckled at the phrasing, but a sort of sheepishness fell over him. He rubbed the back of his neck as he replied, "you've got to promise not to laugh or anything."

"Sure," Y/N said, not sure if they could keep the promise.

"RIght. So I'm a twitch streamer. I stream minecraft and stuff with my friends."

"Wait, actually? Dude that's so cool!"

"Really?" Tommy finally made eye contact, surprised.

"Totally! It sounds super fun! How many people usually watch you?"

"Erm... like 70 thousand usually."

Y/N's eyes widened and their mouth dropped slightly open. "You're shitting me. No way."

"Seriously," TOmmy was smirking now as he pulled out his phone and opened the twitch app to show a stream of "tommyinnit." there were currently 65k viewers, and the screen was the minecraft that was displayed on Tommy's middle monitor. 

"Shit, wait," Y/N said, realizing something.

"What, what?" Tommy was concerned at their sudden panic.

"Youre streaming like... right now?"

"I mean yeah, but don't worry. They can't see or hear us right now."

Y/N let out a relieved sigh and the pair laughed a second before Y/N began to step towards the window.

"Well, I'll let you get back to the stream then, Tommy. Sorry to interrupt and scare the shit out of you and all."

TOmmy laughed. "No, it was nice to meet you. ANd it's no problem at all Y/N, I'll try to be a bit quieter this late at night."

Y/N giggled and let out a small "thanks" as they climbed back out the window. But before they could close it, Tommy ran up to them, as if he just thought of something.

"Let's hang out sometime, yeah? When I'm not live in front of 70 thousand people or whatever."

Y/N laughed and nodded. "Sure thing. I'm sure you're good at minecraft, you can teach me how to play or something."

TOmmy smiled and nodded excitedly. "Right then. Goodnight Y/N!"

"Goodnight Tommy!" Y/N replied before making their way back into their room.

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