🎶St. Bernard🎶

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in which: y/n meets the end of her alive arc on the dsmp

(this is my first time writing a oneshot to a song so please lmk what i can do to make it better!!)

Hung pictures of patron saints up on my walls to remind me that I am a fool. Tell me where I came from, what I will always be, just a spoiled little kid who went to catholic school.

(y/n first person)
Remembering my history used to be bittersweet. I would feel nostalgic as I recalled us sitting around the fire in our L'Manburg uniforms, Wilbur on guitar and the rest of us just singing joyfully into the night. And the day I founded church prime with Tommy. Back when me and Tommy were almost as inseparable as he and Tubbo used to be. But things change.

I really though New L'Manburg would bring us back to the peace we once had. I thought I could be happy again. I hung up old portraits from before the war in my home, looking back on them, happy that our efforts had finally payed off. But nothing seems to last around here.

It was made very clear to me that L'Manburg was never meant to be. Tommy was exiled and was never the same. New L'Manburg went up in flames just like it's predecessor. Tubbo retreated to the arctic to make nukes. Niki and Jack turned on Tommy. Niki even joined the syndicate.

We used to be so happy together. Fighting for our home. It took me by surprise how quickly that all fell to pieces. I was a fool to ever have hope.

When I am dead I won't join in their ranks, cause they are both holy and free.

(y/n first person)
They claim that they're happy. Tubbos married and he's got a kid, Niki found her place in the syndicate, Tommy's trying to be a kid again. But deep down, we all know we can never be whole again. They're out of their minds to try and act like things can be okay again. Yet somehow, they say I'm the crazy one.

And I'm in Ohio satanic and chained up, and until the end that's how it will be

(third person)
The story goes that Y/n went mad. That's what all her old friends say. She cut off all communication with them, isolating herself and allowing herself to spiral. And a certain group was able to take advantage of that.

Bad knew she was vulnerable. And he also knew she was powerful. Y/n was the perfect candidate to convince to do the egg's bidding. They just had to get her acclimated to it.

When Bad proposed that Y/n move into the egg as her home, he had expected her to refuse. He thought he'd have to take her by force. But she complied silently. Though, there was a look in her eyes that Bad didn't recognize. It's like he wasn't even looking at Y/n. He didn't question it, though. The egg would surly sort that out.

I said make me love myself so that I might love you. Don't make me a liar cause I swear to god when I said it I thought it was true.

(third person)

Being constantly surrounded by the egg only added to Y/n's insanity. She would stay awake into the night, screaming,

"You're supposed to know everything?!? So why did it all go to hell! How are we not all dead by now? Or are we supposed to be, huh? Isn't that what you want!?!?

"If you can change the present then fix me! Tell me what to do! Because there is nothing left, nothing!!"

St. Calvin told me not to worry about you, but he's got his own things to deal with. There's really just one thing that we have in common- neither of us will be missed.

(third person)
Meanwhile, Bad had finally done it. He's imprisoned Tommy in the egg. Only, the egg seemed to have no control over the boy. Bad planned on recruiting Techno to execute the boy.

For weeks, Tommy sat in the egg, trapped Y/n. The pair hadn't spoken in years. Tommy didn't even recognize her. She only spoke to scream to the egg at night. Tommy began to ignore her- choosing to spend his worry on the fact that he was to be killed, with no Dream to revive him this time.

The night before Techcno was to come, Tommy lay awake. Bracing himself for Y/n's hollers. But to his surprise, he felt a tap on his shoulder and heard a soft voice. One he hadn't heard since the days of L'Manburg.

"You think everyones given up on you Tommy. They haven't. You mean something, or else you wouldn't be here right now."

Tommy was surprised Y/n was speaking to him. He shook his head. "Last time I died they threw a fuckint party, Y/n. You haven't been out in a while. I'm not all that well liked."

"Tommy I know someone must care about you, or else you'd be in the same state as me. No one tried to stop me from checking out. But you've got people who wanted you to stay."

She said nothing else, then went to sleep.

St. Bernard sits at the top of the driveway, you always said how you loved dogs.

(third person)
Tommy and Y/n were already awake when Technoblade arrived. He strode into the room, his axe dragging behind him and scraping along the floor, Bad and Ant beside him. He stood above Tommy, expressionless.

Tommy wanted to say something. Plea for his life. Pull one last trick out of his sleeve. But his mind was empty as he watched Techno lift his axe and adjust his grip.

Tommy braced himself for the strike as Techno began to swing. But it never came. He opened his eyes to see Y/n had thrown herself in front of him, bearing the hit from the axe. Tommy wanted to thank her. Wanted to finally tell her how he'd missed the friendship they used to have. But he knew he didn't have time. Y/n had given him just a second to slip awake, to escape. And he did.

Y/n blinked, feeling dizzy. She stood up, and looked down to see her own limp corpse on the floor before her. She heard Bad and Ant freaking out and calling on their allies to search for Tommy. She saw Technoblade's confused and almost impressed expression as he slowly walked out. But no one noticed her.

She looked down at her ghostly form. That had been her last canon life. She was now cursed to wander the earthly plane as a ghost. But she wasn't sad. No, she laughed. She laughed with joy. She was finally free.

It was time to visit some old friends.

I don't know if I count but I'm trying my best when I'm howling and barking these songs

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