Ice Cream Shop - bench trio + reader /p

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(non male reader for plot purposes)

I work at an ice cream shop over the summer. It doesn't pay great, but the tips are good and it's easy work. And I usually enjoy myself- it all depends on who I'm working with.

And I don't mind most of my coworkers. Some people make for an easier shift than others, but I get along with everyone I've met decently well. Though it's a summer job for teenagers and people are constantly in and out- I can't say I've met everyone yet at all.

Which brings me to "the boys." See, there's at least twenty separate kids employed here, and only three of them are dudes. From what I've heard, they're very chaotic and reportedly annoying. I wouldn't know though- I have yet to work with any of them.

Until tonight.

Because I'm working the closing shift tonight, along with all three of the goddamn boys. I can only assume this will be an interesting night.

I'm the shift leader, which doesn't really make me in charge of anyone, it just means all the big problems are directed towards me. On a night that is smooth sailing, all it means is that I'm the only one who's allowed to split tips and count the register at the end of the night. On a bad night, it has me dealing with whatever problems are thrown our way.

It also means I show up an hour before the others on the shift, while the day-time people are still working. This way they can be sure there's always a shift lead there during the shift change.

So I stroll into the shop five minutes early at 3:55, and my coworker Jamie at the counter waves to me. The shop is empty- it's the calm before the storm between the afternoon and evening rush. Jamie currently standing ready at the counter for any customer who walks in, and Lucy is standing a little behind her restocking cups. I assume the other two workers are in the back hanging out, given that it's slow right now.

"Hey Y/N!" Jamie smiles as I walk behind the counter and clock in on the work tablet. Jamie's the one in charge of the schedule, and she's being very friendly for having screwed me over with the schedule tonight.

"Hey! How was it today?" I reply, returning her smile.

"Slow. I think the rain kept everyone inside today," she replies.

I nod and walk into the back to grab my apron from the rack. As I swing open the door and walk into the room which consists of a sink for dishes, a walk in freezer for ice cream storage, topping/cup/utensil storage, three chairs and a small table. I see Jennifer at the sink washing dishes, and Alex is sitting at the table on her phone. They glance up at the sound of the door opening, and grins when they see me.

Alex is by far my favorite coworker. They're the perfect mix of laid back and actually still getting work done. Plus, I know I can bitch to them for the next hour about having to work a shift with all three boys at once.

And that's exactly what I do. We watch the security camera to the front of the shop to make sure we go out and help if we're needed, but no one shows up. So I tell Alex that I'm not looking forward to my shift, and they sympathize with me.

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