feral boys x reader (2) (/p)

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another one shot in the au where y/n lives with dream, quackity, sapnap, gogs, and karl!! this series will use she/her pronouns!! (yes that means you will get a lot more chapters of this ;) )
in this chapter y/n is going on a blind date- that date is gonna be a man because men are scary and it'll give the guys reason to be extra protective :]

ok enjoy


tw: alcohol, drunkenness, attempted sexual assult, men being creepy

"Home by 11, no later!"


"And what do you think you're wearing? That dress does not fall below your finger tips young lady!"

"Jesus, Quackity-"

"Woah, what's going on in here?" Karl asked, walking into the kitchen where Sapnap and Quackity were currently interrogating  me. "You guys are joking, right?" He said, somewhat hesitantly.

The three of us burst out into laughter.

"Of course we're joking! Did you actually think we were serious?" Sapnap snickered.

"Jesus christ, karl!" Quackity shook his head.

"Alright, alright," Karl giggled as he moved to the fridge to grab a monster. "What time is he picking you up again?"

"Seven," I replied as I checked the time on my phone. It was 6:45, and not gonna lie, I was getting kinda nervous.

I worked at an ice cream shop in the summer. I just kinda needed something to do, and it was super fun. I liked hanging out with my co workers, the hours were super flexible because of the surplus of highschoolers who wanted to work there in the summer, and I got a shit ton of free icecream. My roommates also appreciated the nights I would come home with a tub of the leftovers.

Last week, I was joking around with my friend Cassie at work because there were no customers. It's only May, so we're not really busy yet. We were talking about this customer we had last year- Ophelia, who used to come in almost every Wednesday night. Apparently she was doing some summer internship around here and they kept her super late on Wednesdays, so she would reward herself with icecream afterwards. At least, that's what she told us. Cassie was convinced she came by just to see me.

And not gonna lie, I wouldn't have been mad if that were why. She was gorgeous and super nice and always cracked the funniest jokes when she came in. When the shop was empty, Cassie would hide in the back to let me and Ophelia talk. But nothing ever came of it. We both were too nervous to initiate anything or ask for the other's number. Cassie still makes fun of me for it to this day.

And now, a year later, Cassie is still determined for me to find love for some reason. And so last week, she came in telling me that she'd found my soulmate. His name is Garrett. And for someone who Cassie is convinced I'm gonna marry, she couldn't really tell me that much about him.

All I've gathered is that this dude is a friend of Cassie's cause he was recently hired at her other job at this diner. And he mentioned being new to town and looking to meet people, and Cassie decided she was going to set us up on a blind date. She didn't tell me much else- she wanted to "leave stuff for us to talk about". It's a wonder I even got her to give me a basic description of what he looks like so I'd recognize him when he picked me up. He's apparently 6'1", has shaggy blonde hair, brown eyes, and "looks like he's scrawny but is actually surprisingly muscular", whatever that means. 

Flash forward to now, and I'm nervously sitting on the kitchen counter while my roomates heat up leftovers and I wait for this dude to arrive.

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