Who's on Aux? (wilbur)

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wilbur x reader oneshot

in which Y/N's friend invites her to a party with his online friends, and she says why the hell not!

she/her pronouns


I'd been a little hesitant at first to come tonight.

I mean, I usually only go to parties if I know the host or if they're a good friend of a friend. This party is at the house of a friend of a friend of a friend. George had gotten the invite and the all clear to bring anyone, "the more the merrier." He knew Y/N was fun at parties, and he'd been meaning for her to meet his online friends. She was his best friend since college after all.

But that was the second problem. She was a little nervous to meet all of his online friends. They were all these famous content creators- it didn't feel like it was going to be her scene. To put it nicely, she kind of thought the vibe to be a little cheesy and lame. Plus, there was the fact that she was just plain scared about being someone with barely a social media presence surrounded by these guys, who would all already know eachtother.

Well, maybe that last part wasn't true. A lot of George's content creator friends were also going to be there, sure, but the host of the party was not. He was just a friend of one, and so all of that dude's other friend groups would be attending as well. She wasn't going to be the only one there who didn't know a majority of the people in the crowd.

But all of that, Y/N could get over due to her excitement to go to a party with George. The only thing she was really hung up on was that this was breaking one of her personal rules for safety at parties. This list included things like "don't drink it if you didn't pour it", "don't smoke anything from someone you don't know", and "always have money for an uber home" to name a few. The rule that this was breaking, though, was "have 2+ trusted people at the function."

This was a rule she had set back in university when she attended a party with her friend Audrey, knowing no one else there. Audrey ended up ditching her to go get with someone, leaving Y/N alone while a little drunker than she'd like to be while alone.

But George had insisted his friends were all "trusted people." Y/N knew that didn't really count that for her rule, but at this point George had been practically begging and she couldn't say no. It wouldn't be the first time she broke a rule- usually it just doesn't happen until she's drunk at least. But she let it slide.

And so there she was, sitting on the couch in George's flat while he tied on his shoes, about to leave for this party. At this point, all her nerves were washed away by excitement. She was ready for a fun night out. And she felt confident in her outfit- fishnets under baggy ripped jeans and a tiny red tank top. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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